[pkg-fso-commits] [SCM] Various non-packaged files branch, master, updated. 8143b7403e9cde884c34ec397f7c1f5f9623a742

Steffen Moeller moeller at debian.org
Thu Mar 12 23:55:15 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f7d35d63f430e4750263afb182653115a8d31dc7
Author: Steffen Moeller <moeller at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 13 00:41:41 2009 +0100

    usage/help shows PACKAGES_TASK_* variables
    Rather than manually keeping description and code in sync, the information
    stored in variables should be presented directly.

diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh
index 063b5f1..ba365d6 100755
--- a/install.sh
+++ b/install.sh
@@ -261,18 +261,15 @@ ENVIRONMENT
 	fso          Installs packages required to use the Zhone GUI
 	tasks        Installs packages for a series of tasks. Supported are
                        GAMES  Installs games that were designed with
-                              FreeRunner-like devices in mind (currently
-                              this is only mokomaze) or that have been found
-                              compatible (sgt-puzzles, an upcoming candidate
-                              is numpy-physics).
+                              FreeRunner-like devices in mind or that have
+                              been found compatible ($PACKAGES_TASK_GAMES)
                        GPS    Software for GPS, geocaching and navigation
-                              (only tangogps as a technical exercise for the
-                              moment)
+                              ($PACKAGES_TASK_GPS)
                        NET    software that is beneficial to investigate
-                              the network setup (inetutils-ping, host)
-                       PHONE  zhone (always selected)
-                       WEB    midori
-                       WIFI   wicd, wireless-tools, wpasupplicant, dhcp3-client
+                              the network setup ($PACKAGES_TASK_NET)
+                       PHONE  ($PACKAGES_TASK_ZHONE) zhone is always installed
+                       WEB    ($PACKAGES_TASK_WEB)
+                       WIFI   ($PACKAGES_TASK_WIFI)
                        UTILS  whatever was wanted that does not belong to the
                               other classes ($PACKAGES_TASK_UTILS)

Various non-packaged files

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