[pkg-fso-commits] [SCM] xf86-video-glamo, SMedia Glamo video driver for X.Org annotated tag, upstream/0.0.0+20091108.git9918e082, created. upstream/0.0.0+20091108.git9918e082

Thomas White taw at bitwiz.org.uk
Fri Jan 8 13:32:20 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, upstream/0.0.0+20091108.git9918e082 has been created
        at  5b230966306c4cc0cc1e1ffc7cdb810df4a033bc (tag)
   tagging  9918e082104340da42eb92b6bdefce4d9266a6a4 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.0.0+20090707.git98c012f7
 tagged by  Timo Jyrinki
        on  Fri Jan 8 15:32:07 2010 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.0.0+20091108.git9918e082

Thomas White (57):
      Initial KMS stuff
      Makefile and initialisation stuff
      Just backing up progress
      Drop in most of the rest of the code
      Make glamo-kms-driver.c compile
      Just backing up progress
      Remote crtc.c and output.c
      Make everything up to glamo-kms-exa.c compile
      It all compiles now...
      Cannot accelerate these
      De-crashify a few things
      Initialisation no longer segfaults...
      Add a missing newline
      Use proper types for cmdq submission
      Fix command queue submission
      Small tidy up
      Dispatch command buffer when cache is full
      Remove upload/download EXA functions - can't accelerate these
      Use libDRM functions instead of bom->funcs etc
      Tidy up headers, formatting and unused code
      Reallocate GEM objects when necessary
      Make the buffer size for very small pixmaps sane
      Don't call xf86_reload_cursors()
      EXA synchronisation stuff
      Use $PKG_CONFIG instead of pkg-config
      Handle the new DRI protocol as well
      Strip out some RAC and loader stuff
      Fix DRI2InfoRec problems
      Don't unmap on FinishAccess, and return as quickly as possible on re-map
      Fix GlamkKernelModesettingAvailable() so that it works
      Fix headers for recent X.org
      Remove unnecessary variables
      Fix DRI2 registration with recent X servers
      Restore composite hooks
      Wait after mapping buffer
      Change a message from X_WARNING to X_INFO
      Get rid of ModifyPixmapHeader hook
      Reduce debug
      Fix glamoCreateBuffer(s) (for DRI2)
      Split DRM command queue handling out to a separate file
      Change printf->xf86DrvMsg
      Implement glamoCopyRegion()
      Remove a debug statement
      Remove more debug
      Remove RAC stuff
      Fix use of uninitialised 'pScrn'
      Reduce excessive waits when resetting engines
      Reduce excessive waits when resetting engines
      Merge branch 'kms'
      Make compilation of KMS parts optional
      Add DRM libraries
      Support both old and new sysfs layout in GlamoKernelModesettingAvailable()
      Fix previous commit
      Fix the fix...
      Sigh.  Try again...


xf86-video-glamo, SMedia Glamo video driver for X.Org

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