[pkg-fso-commits] [SCM] FSO frameworkd Debian packaging branch, debian, updated. upstream/

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak seba.dos1 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 08:17:53 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit 81b704f7fe3c9490bc729eb21051938b91419008
Author: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <seba.dos1 at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 19 21:56:16 2009 +0200

    opimd: Calls: base Calls domain on GenericDomain (not everything ported yet!)

diff --git a/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimb_sqlite_calls.py b/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimb_sqlite_calls.py
index c2ff113..921d15d 100644
--- a/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimb_sqlite_calls.py
+++ b/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimb_sqlite_calls.py
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class SQLiteCallBackend(Backend):
                 logger.error("%s: Could not read from database (table call_values)! Possible reason is old, uncompatible table structure. If you don't have important data, please remove %s file.", self.name, _SQLITE_FILE_NAME)
                 raise OperationalError
-            entry_id = self._domain_handlers['Calls'].register_call(self, entry)
+            entry_id = self._domain_handlers['Calls'].register_entry(self, entry)
@@ -212,5 +212,5 @@ class SQLiteCallBackend(Backend):
-        call_id = self._domain_handlers['Calls'].register_call(self, call_data)
+        call_id = self._domain_handlers['Calls'].register_entry(self, call_data)
         return call_id
diff --git a/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimd_calls.py b/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimd_calls.py
index be9cd5a..ca06c35 100644
--- a/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimd_calls.py
+++ b/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimd_calls.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Open PIM Daemon
-(C) 2008 Soeren Apel <abraxa at dar-clan.de>
+(C) 2008 by Soeren Apel <abraxa at dar-clan.de>
 (C) 2008 Openmoko, Inc.
 (C) 2009 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mlauer at vanille-media.de>
 (C) 2009 Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <seba.dos1 at gmail.com>
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ GPLv2 or later
 Calls Domain Plugin
-Establishes the 'calls' PIM domain and handles all related requests
-NOTE: This domain could be good start for making some generic domain class
+Establishes the 'Calls' PIM domain and handles all related requests
 from dbus.service import FallbackObject as DBusFBObject
@@ -32,8 +30,12 @@ from domain_manager import DomainManager, Domain
 from helpers import *
 from opimd import *
+from query_manager import QueryMatcher, SingleQueryHandler
 from framework.config import config, busmap
+from pimd_generic import GenericEntry, GenericDomain
 _DOMAIN_NAME = "Calls"
@@ -47,531 +49,23 @@ _DIN_CALLS = _DIN_CALLS_BASE + '.' + 'Calls'
 _DIN_ENTRY = _DIN_CALLS_BASE + '.' + 'Call'
 _DIN_QUERY = _DIN_CALLS_BASE + '.' + 'CallQuery'
-class CallQueryMatcher(object):
-    query_obj = None
-    def __init__(self, query):
-        """Evaluates a query
-        @param query Query to evaluate, must be a dict"""
-        self.query_obj = query
-    def single_call_matches(self, call):
-        assert(self.query_obj, "Query object is empty, cannot match!")
-        if call:
-            return call.match_query(self.query_obj)
-        else:
-            return False
-    def match(self, calls):
-        """Tries to match a given set of calls to the current query
-        @param calls List of call objects
-        @return List of call IDs that match"""
-        assert(self.query_obj, "Query object is empty, cannot match!")
-        matches = []
-        results = []
-        # Match all calls
-        for (call_id, call) in enumerate(calls):
-            match = self.single_call_matches(call)
-            if match:
-                matches.append((match, call_id))
-        result_count = len(matches)
-        # Sort matches by relevance and return the best hits
-        if result_count > 0:
-            matches.sort(reverse = True)
-            limit = result_count
-            if self.query_obj.has_key("_limit"):
-                limit = self.query_obj["_limit"]
-                if limit > result_count:
-                    limit = result_count
-            # Append the call IDs to the result list in the order of the sorted list
-            for i in range(limit):
-                results.append(matches[i][1])
-        return results
-class Call():
+class Call(GenericEntry):
     """Represents one single call with all the data fields it consists of.
     _fields[n] = [field_name, field_value, value_used_for_comparison, source]
     Best way to explain the usage of _fields and _field_idx is by example:
-    _fields[3] = ["EMail", "foo at bar.com", "", "CSV-calls"]
-    _fields[4] = ["EMail", "moo at cow.com", "", "LDAP-calls"]
+    _fields[3] = ["EMail", "foo at bar.com", "", "CSV-Contacts"]
+    _fields[4] = ["EMail", "moo at cow.com", "", "LDAP-Contacts"]
     _field_idx["EMail"] = [3, 4]"""
-    _fields = None
-    _field_idx = None
-    _used_backends = None
     def __init__(self, path):
-        """Creates a new call instance
-        @param path Path of the call itself"""
-        self._fields = []
-        self._field_idx = {}
-        self._used_backends = []
-        # Add Path field
-        self._fields.append( ['Path', path, '', ''] )
-        self.rebuild_index()
-    def __getitem__(self, field_name):
-        """Finds all field values for field_name
-        @param field_name Name of the field whose data we return
-        @return Value of the field if there's just one result, a list of values otherwise; None if field_name is unknown"""
-        try:
-            field_ids = self._field_idx[field_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            return None
-        if len(field_ids) == 1:
-            # Return single result
-            field = self._fields[field_ids[0]]
-            return field[1]
-        else:
-            # Return multiple results
-            result = []
-            for n in field_ids:
-                field = self._fields[n]
-                result.append(field[1])
-            thesame = 1
-            prev = self._fields[field_ids[0]]
-            for n in field_ids:
-                if prev!=self._fields[n]:
-                    thesame = 0
-            if thesame:
-                return result[0]
-            else:
-                return result
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self.get_content())
-    def rebuild_index(self):
-        """Rebuilds the field index, thereby ensuring consistency
-        @note Should only be performed when absolutely necessary"""
-        self._field_idx = {}
-        for (field_idx, field) in enumerate(self._fields):
-            (field_name, field_data, comp_value, field_source) = field
-            try:
-                self._field_idx[field_name].append(field_idx)
-            except KeyError:
-                self._field_idx[field_name] = [field_idx]
-    def import_fields(self, call_data, backend_name):
-        """Adds an array of call data fields to this call
-        @param call_data call data; format: ((Key,Value), (Key,Value), ...)
-        @param backend_name Name of the backend to which those fields belong"""
-        if backend_name!='':
-            if not backend_name in self._used_backends:
-                self._used_backends.append(backend_name)
-        for field_name in call_data:
-            try:
-                if field_name.startswith('_'):
-                    raise KeyError
-                for field in self._field_idx[field_name]:
-                    if self._fields[field][3]==backend_name:
-                        self._fields[field][1]=call_data[field_name]
-                    else:
-                        self._fields.append([field_name, call_data[field_name], '', backend_name])
-                        self._field_idx[field_name].append(len(self._fields)-1)
-            except KeyError:
-                field_value = call_data[field_name]
-                # We only generate compare values for specific fields
-                compare_value = ""
-                # TODO Do this in a more extensible way
-                # if ("phone" in field_name) or (field_name == "Phone"): compare_value = get_compare_for_tel(field_value)
-                our_field = [field_name, field_value, compare_value, backend_name]
-                self._fields.append(our_field)
-                field_idx = len(self._fields) - 1
-                # Keep the index happy, too
-                if not field_name in self._field_idx.keys(): self._field_idx[field_name] = []
-                self._field_idx[field_name].append(field_idx)
-#        for (field_idx, field) in enumerate(self._fields):
-#            print "%s: %s" % (field_idx, field)
-#        print self._field_idx
-    def export_fields(self, backend_name):
-        """Extracts all fields belonging to a certain backend
-        @param backend_name Name of the backend whose data we want to extract from this contract
-        @return List of (field_name, field_data) tuples"""
-        entry = []
-        for field in self._fields:
-            (field_name, field_data, comp_value, field_source) = field
-            if field_source == backend_name:
-                entry.append((field_name, field_data))
-        return entry
-    def get_fields(self, fields):
-        """Returns a dict containing the fields whose names are listed in the fields parameter
-        @note Backend information is omitted.
-        @note Fields that have more than one occurence are concatenated using a separation character of ','.
-        @param fields List of field names to include in the resulting dict
-        @return Dict containing the field_name/field_value pairs that were requested"""
-        result = {}
-        separator = ','
-        for field_name in fields:
-            field_ids = self._field_idx[field_name]
-            # Do we need to concatenate multiple values?
-            if len(field_ids) > 1:
-                field_values = []
-                for field_id in field_ids:
-                    field_value = (self._fields[field_id])[1]
-                    field_values.append(field_value)
-                value = ','.join(field_values)
-                thesame = 1
-                prev = field_values[0]
-                for n in field_ids:
-                    if prev!=self._fields[n][1]:
-                        thesame = 0
-                if thesame:
-                    result[field_name] = field_values[0]
-                else:
-                    result[field_name] = field_values
-            else:
-                field_value = (self._fields[field_ids[0]])[1]
-                result[field_name] = field_value
-        return result
-    def get_content(self):
-        """Creates and returns a complete representation of the call
-        @note Backend information is omitted.
-        @note Fields that have more than one occurence are concatenated using a separation character of ','.
-        @return call data, in {Field_name:Field_value} notation"""
-        fields = self.get_fields(self._field_idx)
-        content = {}
-        for field in fields:
-            if fields[field]!='' and fields[field]!=None and not field.startswith('_'):
-                content[field] = fields[field]
-        return content
-    def attempt_merge(self, call_fields, backend_name):
-        """Attempts to merge the given call into the call list and returns its ID
-        @param call_fields call data; format: ((Key,Value), (Key,Value), ...)
-        @param backend_name Backend that owns the call data
-        @return True on successful merge, False otherwise"""
-        duplicated = True
-        for field_name in call_fields:
-            try:
-                if self[field_name]!=call_fields[field_name]:
-                    duplicated = False
-                    break
-            except KeyError:
-                duplicated = False
-                break
-        if duplicated:
-            return True # That call exists, so we doesn't have to do anything to have it merged.
-        else:
-            return False # Calls are not mergable now
-    def incorporates_data_from(self, backend_name):
-        """Determines whether this call entry has data from a specific backend saved
-        @param backend_name Name of backend to look for
-        @return True if we have data belonging to that backend, False otherwise"""
-        return backend_name in self._used_backends
-    def match_query(self, query_obj):
-        """Checks whether this call matches the given query
-        @param query_obj Dict containing key/value pairs of the required matches
-        @return Accuracy of the match, ranging from 0.0 (no match) to 1.0 (complete match)"""
-        overall_match = 1.0
-        for field_name in query_obj.keys():
-            # Skip fields only meaningful to the parser
-            if field_name[:1] == "_": continue
-            field_value = str(query_obj[field_name])
-            best_field_match = 0.0
-            matcher = re.compile(field_value)
-            # Check if field value(s) of this call match(es) the query field
-            try:
-                field_ids = self._field_idx[field_name]
-                for field_id in field_ids:
-                    # A field is (Key,Value,Comp_Value,Source), so [2] is the value we usually use for comparison
-                    comp_value = self._fields[field_id][2]
-                    if not comp_value:
-                        # Use the real value if no comparison value given
-                        comp_value = str(self._fields[field_id][1])
-                    # Compare and determine the best match ratio
-                    match = matcher.search(comp_value)
-                    if match:
-                        match_len = match.end() - match.start()
-                    else:
-                        match_len = 0
-                    if field_value and comp_value:
-                        field_match = float(match_len) / len(comp_value)
-                    else:
-                        field_match = 0.0
-                    if field_match > best_field_match: best_field_match = field_match
-                    logger.debug("Calls: Field match for %s / %s: %f", comp_value, field_value, field_match)
-            except KeyError:
-                # call has no data for this field contained in the query, so this entry cannot match
-                return 0.0
-            # Aggregate the field match value into the overall match
-            # We don't use the average of all field matches as one
-            # non-match *must* result in a final value of 0.0
-            overall_match *= best_field_match
-            # Stop comparing if there is too little similarity
-            if overall_match == 0.0: break
-        return overall_match
-class SingleQueryHandler(object):
-    _calls = None
-    query = None      # The query this handler is processing
-    entries = None
-    cursors = None    # The next entry we'll serve, depending on the client calling us
-    def __init__(self, query, calls, dbus_sender):
-        """Creates a new SingleQueryHandler instance
-        @param query Query to evaluate
-        @param calls Set of call objects to use
-        @param dbus_sender Sender's unique name on the bus"""
-        self.query = query
-        self.sanitize_query()
-        matcher = CallQueryMatcher(self.query)
-        self._calls = calls
-        self.entries = matcher.match(self._calls)
-        self.cursors = {}
-        # TODO Register with all calls to receive updates
-    def dispose(self):
-        """Unregisters from all call entries to allow this instance to be eaten by GC"""
-        # TODO Unregister from all calls
-        pass
-    def sanitize_query(self):
-        """Makes sure the query meets the criteria that related code uses to omit wasteful sanity checks"""
-        # For get_result_and_advance():
-        # Make sure the _result_fields list has no whitespaces, e.g. "a, b, c" should be "a,b,c"
-        # Reasoning: call.get_fields() has no fuzzy matching for performance reasons
-        # Also, we remove any empty list elements created by e.g. "a, b, c,"
-        try:
-            field_list = self.query['_result_fields']
-            fields = field_list.split(',')
-            new_field_list = []
-            for field_name in fields:
-                field_name = field_name.strip()
-                if field_name: new_field_list.append(field_name)
-            self.query['_result_fields'] = ','.join(new_field_list)
-        except KeyError:
-            # There's no _result_fields entry to sanitize
-            pass
-    def get_result_count(self):
-        """Determines the number of results for this query
-        @return Number of result entries"""
-        return len(self.entries)
-    def rewind(self, dbus_sender):
-        """Resets the cursor for a given d-bus sender to the first result entry
-        @param dbus_sender Sender's unique name on the bus"""
-        self.cursors[dbus_sender] = 0
-    def skip(self, dbus_sender, num_entries):
-        """Skips n result entries of the result set
-        @param dbus_sender Sender's unique name on the bus
-        @param num_entries Number of result entries to skip"""
-        if not self.cursors.has_key(dbus_sender): self.cursors[dbus_sender] = 0
-        self.cursors[dbus_sender] += num_entries
-    def get_call_path(self, dbus_sender):
-        """Determines the Path of the next call that the cursor points at and advances to the next result entry
-        @param dbus_sender Sender's unique name on the bus
-        @return Path of the call"""
-        # If the sender is not in the list of cursors it just means that it is starting to iterate
-        if not self.cursors.has_key(dbus_sender): self.cursors[dbus_sender] = 0
-        # Check whether we've reached the end of the entry list
-        try:
-            result = self.entries[self.cursors[dbus_sender]]
-        except IndexError:
-            raise NoMoreCalls( "All results have been submitted" )
-        call_id = self.entries[self.cursors[dbus_sender]]
-        call = self._calls[call_id]
-        self.cursors[dbus_sender] += 1
-        return call['Path']
-    def get_result(self, dbus_sender):
-        """Extracts the requested fields from the next call entry in the result set and advances the cursor
-        @param dbus_sender Sender's unique name on the bus
-        @return Dict containing field_name/field_value pairs"""
-        # If the sender is not in the list of cursors it just means that it is starting to iterate
-        if not self.cursors.has_key(dbus_sender): self.cursors[dbus_sender] = 0
-        # Check whether we've reached the end of the entry list
-        try:
-            result = self.entries[self.cursors[dbus_sender]]
-        except IndexError:
-            raise NoMoreCalls( "All results have been submitted" )
-        call_id = self.entries[self.cursors[dbus_sender]]
-        call = self._calls[call_id]
-        self.cursors[dbus_sender] += 1
-        try:
-            fields = self.query['_result_fields']
-            field_list = fields.split(',')
-            result = call.get_fields(field_list)
-        except KeyError:
-            result = call.get_content()
-        return result
-    def get_multiple_results(self, dbus_sender, num_entries):
-        """Creates a list containing n dicts which represent the corresponding entries from the result set
-        @note If there are less entries than num_entries, only the available entries will be returned
-        @param dbus_sender Sender's unique name on the bus
-        @param num_entries Number of result set entries to return
-        @return List of dicts with field_name/field_value pairs"""
-        result = []
-        for i in range(num_entries):
-            try:
-                entry = self.get_result(dbus_sender)
-                result.append(entry)
-            except NoMoreCalls:
-                """Don't want to raise an error in that case"""
-                break
-        return result
-    def check_new_call(self, call_id):
-        """Checks whether a newly added call matches this so it can signal clients
-        @param call_id call ID of the call that was added
-        @return True if call matches this query, False otherwise
-        @todo Currently this messes up the order of the result set if a specific order was desired"""
-        result = False
-        matcher = CallQueryMatcher(self.query)
-        if matcher.single_call_matches(self._calls[call_id]):
-            self.entries = matcher.match(self._calls)
-            # TODO Register with the new call to receive changes
-            # We *should* reset all cursors *if* the result set is ordered, however
-            # in order to prevent confusion, this is left for the client to do.
-            # Rationale: clients with unordered queries can just use get_result()
-            # and be done with it. For those, theres's no need to re-read all results.
-            # Let clients know that this result set changed
-            result = True
-        return result
+        """Creates a new entry instance"""
+        self.domain_name = _DOMAIN_NAME
+        GenericEntry.__init__( self, path )
@@ -579,17 +73,17 @@ class SingleQueryHandler(object):
 class QueryManager(DBusFBObject):
     _queries = None
-    _calls = None
+    _entries = None
     _next_query_id = None
     # Note: _queries must be a dict so we can remove queries without messing up query IDs
-    def __init__(self, calls):
+    def __init__(self, entries):
         """Creates a new QueryManager instance
-        @param calls Set of call objects to use"""
+        @param entries Set of Entry objects to use"""
-        self._calls = calls
+        self._entries = entries
         self._queries = {}
         self._next_query_id = 0
@@ -608,7 +102,7 @@ class QueryManager(DBusFBObject):
         @param dbus_sender Sender's unique name on the bus
         @return dbus path of the query result"""
-        query_handler = SingleQueryHandler(query, self._calls, dbus_sender)
+        query_handler = SingleQueryHandler(query, self._entries, dbus_sender)
         query_id = self._next_query_id
         self._next_query_id += 1
@@ -618,16 +112,16 @@ class QueryManager(DBusFBObject):
         return _DBUS_PATH_QUERIES + '/' + str(query_id)
-    def check_new_call(self, call_id):
-        """Checks whether a newly added call matches one or more queries so they can signal clients
+    def check_new_entry(self, entry_id):
+        """Checks whether a newly added entry matches one or more queries so they can signal clients
-        @param call_id call ID of the call that was added"""
+        @param entry_id Entry ID of the entry that was added"""
         for (query_id, query_handler) in self._queries.items():
-            if query_handler.check_new_call(call_id):
-                call = self._calls[call_id]
-                call_path = call['Path']
-                self.CallAdded(call_path, rel_path='/' + str(query_id))
+            if query_handler.check_new_entry(entry_id):
+                entry = self._entries[entry_id]
+                entry_path = entry['Path']
+                self.EntryAdded(entry_path, rel_path='/' + str(query_id))
     def check_query_id_ok( self, num_id ):
@@ -636,6 +130,9 @@ class QueryManager(DBusFBObject):
         if not num_id in self._queries:
             raise InvalidQueryID( "Existing query IDs: %s" % self._queries.keys() )
+    def EntryAdded(self, path, rel_path=None):
+        self.CallAdded(path, rel_path=rel_path)
     @dbus_signal(_DIN_QUERY, "s", rel_path_keyword="rel_path")
     def CallAdded(self, path, rel_path=None):
@@ -669,7 +166,7 @@ class QueryManager(DBusFBObject):
         num_id = int(rel_path[1:])
         self.check_query_id_ok( num_id )
-        return self._queries[num_id].get_call_path(sender)
+        return self._queries[num_id].get_entry_path(sender)
     @dbus_method(_DIN_QUERY, "", "a{sv}", rel_path_keyword="rel_path", sender_keyword="sender")
@@ -699,198 +196,63 @@ class QueryManager(DBusFBObject):
-class CallDomain(Domain):
+class CallDomain(Domain, GenericDomain):
     name = _DOMAIN_NAME
     _backends = None
-    _calls = None
-    _new_missed_calls = None
+    _entries = None
     query_manager = None
+    _dbus_path = None
+    Entry = None
     def __init__(self):
-        """Creates a new callDomain instance"""
+        """Creates a new CallDomain instance"""
+        self.Entry = Call
         self._backends = {}
-        self._calls = []
-        self._new_missed_calls = 0
-        self.query_manager = QueryManager(self._calls)
+        self._entries = []
+        self._dbus_path = _DIN_ENTRY
+        self.query_manager = QueryManager(self._entries)
         # Initialize the D-Bus-Interface
-        super(CallDomain, self).__init__( conn=busmap["opimd"], object_path=_DBUS_PATH_CALLS )
+        Domain.__init__( self, conn=busmap["opimd"], object_path=DBUS_PATH_BASE_FSO + '/' + self.name )
-        # Keep frameworkd happy, pyneo won't care
+        # Keep frameworkd happy
         self.interface = _DIN_CALLS
         self.path = _DBUS_PATH_CALLS
+    #---------------------------------------------------------------------#
+    # dbus methods and signals                                            #
+    #---------------------------------------------------------------------#
-    def get_dbus_objects(self):
-        """Returns a list of all d-bus objects we manage
-        @return List of d-bus objects"""
-        return (self, self.query_manager)
-    def register_backend(self, backend):
-        """Registers a backend for usage with this domain
-        @param backend Backend plugin object to register"""
-        self._backends[backend.name] = backend
-    def register_call(self, backend, call_data):
-        """Merges/inserts the given call into the call list and returns its ID
-        @param backend Backend objects that requests the registration
-        @param call_data call data; format: [Key:Value, Key:Value, ...]"""
-        call_id = -1
-        merged = 0
-        # Check if the call can be merged with one we already know of
-        if int(config.getValue('opimd', 'calls_merging_enabled', default='1')):
-            for entry in self._calls:
-                if entry:
-                    if entry.attempt_merge(call_data, backend.name):
-                        # Find that entry's ID
-                        for (call_idx, call) in enumerate(self._calls):
-                            if call == entry: call_id = call_idx
-                            break
-                        # Stop trying to merge
-                        merged = 1
-                        break
-        if not merged:
-            # Merging failed, so create a new call entry and append it to the list
-            call_id = len(self._calls)
-            path = _DBUS_PATH_CALLS+ '/' + str(call_id)
-            call = Call(path)
-            call.import_fields(call_data, backend.name)
-            self._calls.append(call)
-            self.NewCall(path)
-            if call_data.has_key('New') and call_data.has_key('Answered') and call_data.has_key('Direction'):
-                if call_data['New'] and not call_data['Answered'] and call_data['Direction'] == 'in':
-                    self._new_missed_calls += 1
-                    self.NewMissedCalls(self._new_missed_calls)
-        return call_id
-    def register_missed_call(self, backend, call_data, stored_on_input_backend = False):
-        logger.debug("Registering missed call...")
-        if stored_on_input_backend:
-            message_id = self.register_call(backend, message_data)
-            self._new_missed_calls += 1
-            self.NewMissedCalls(self._new_missed_calls)
-        else:
-            # FIXME: now it's just copied from Add method.
-            # Make some checking, fallbacking etc.
-            dbackend = BackendManager.get_default_backend(_DOMAIN_NAME)
-            result = ""
-            if not PIMB_CAN_ADD_ENTRY in dbackend.properties:
-            #    raise InvalidBackend( "This backend does not feature PIMB_CAN_ADD_ENTRY" )
-                 return -1
-            try:
-                call_id = dbackend.add_call(call_data)
-            except AttributeError:
-            #    raise InvalidBackend( "This backend does not feature add_call" )
-                 return -1
-            call = self._calls[call_id]
-            result = call['Path']
-            # As we just added a new message, we check it against all queries to see if it matches
-            self.query_manager.check_new_call(call_id)
-        self.MissedCall(_DBUS_PATH_CALLS+ '/' + str(call_id))
-        return call_id
-    def enumerate_items(self, backend):
-        """Enumerates all call data belonging to a specific backend
-        @param backend Backend object whose calls should be enumerated
-        @return Lists of (field_name,field_value) tuples of all calls that have data from this particular backend"""
-        for call in self._calls:
-            if call:
-                if call.incorporates_data_from(backend.name):
-                    yield call.export_fields(backend.name)
-    @dbus_signal(_DIN_CALLS, "i")
-    def NewMissedCalls(self, amount):
-        pass
+    def NewEntry(self, path):
+        self.NewCall(path)
     @dbus_signal(_DIN_CALLS, "s")
     def NewCall(self, path):
-    @dbus_signal(_DIN_CALLS, "s")
-    def MissedCall(self, path):
-        pass
     @dbus_method(_DIN_CALLS, "a{sv}", "s")
-    def Add(self, call_data):
-        """Adds a call to the list, assigning it to the default backend and saving it
-        @param call_data List of fields; format is [Key:Value, Key:Value, ...]
-        @return Path of the newly created d-bus call object"""
-        # We use the default backend for now
-        backend = BackendManager.get_default_backend(_DOMAIN_NAME)
-        result = ""
-        if not PIMB_CAN_ADD_ENTRY in backend.properties:
-            raise InvalidBackend( "Backend properties not including PIMB_CAN_ADD_ENTRY" )
-        try:
-            call_id = backend.add_call(call_data)
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise InvalidBackend( "Backend does not feature add_call" )
+    def Add(self, entry_data):
+        """Adds a entry to the list, assigning it to the default backend and saving it
-        call = self._calls[call_id]
-        result = call['Path']
+        @param entry_data List of fields; format is [Key:Value, Key:Value, ...]
+        @return Path of the newly created d-bus entry object"""
-        # As we just added a new call, we check it against all queries to see if it matches
-        self.query_manager.check_new_call(call_id)
-        return result
+        return self.add(entry_data)
     @dbus_method(_DIN_CALLS, "a{sv}s", "s")
-    def GetSingleCallSingleField(self, query, field_name):
-        """Returns the first call found for a query, making it real easy to query simple things
+    def GetSingleEntrySingleField(self, query, field_name):
+        """Returns the first entry found for a query, making it real easy to query simple things
         @param query The query object
         @param field_name The name of the field to return
         @return The requested data"""
-        result = ""
-        # Only return one call
-        query['_limit'] = 1
-        matcher = CallQueryMatcher(query)
-        res = matcher.match(self._calls)
-        # Copy all requested fields if we got a result
-        if len(res) > 0:
-            call = self._calls[res[0]]
-            result = call[field_name]
-            # Merge results if we received multiple results
-            if isinstance(result, list):
-                result = ",".join(map(str, result))
-        return result
+        return self.get_single_entry_single_field(query, field_name)
     @dbus_method(_DIN_CALLS, "a{sv}", "s", sender_keyword="sender")
     def Query(self, query, sender):
@@ -898,7 +260,7 @@ class CallDomain(Domain):
         @param query Query
         @param sender Unique name of the query sender on the bus
-        @return dbus path of the query object, e.g. /org.pyneo.PIM/calls/Queries/4"""
+        @return dbus path of the query object, e.g. /org.freesmartphone.PIM/Entries/Queries/4"""
         return self.query_manager.process_query(query, sender)
@@ -907,91 +269,41 @@ class CallDomain(Domain):
     def GetContent(self, rel_path):
         num_id = int(rel_path[1:])
-        # Make sure the requested call exists
-        if num_id >= len(self._calls) or self._calls[num_id]==None:
-            raise InvalidCallID()
+        # Make sure the requested entry exists
+        self.check_entry_id(num_id)
-        return self._calls[num_id].get_content()
+        return self._entries[num_id].get_content()
     @dbus_method(_DIN_ENTRY, "", "as", rel_path_keyword="rel_path")
     def GetUsedBackends(self, rel_path):
         num_id = int(rel_path[1:])
-        # Make sure the requested call exists
-        if num_id >= len(self._calls) or self._calls[num_id]==None:
-            raise InvalidCallID()
+        # Make sure the requested entry exists
+        self.check_entry_id(num_id)
-        return self._calls[num_id]._used_backends
+        return self._entries[num_id]._used_backends
     @dbus_method(_DIN_ENTRY, "s", "a{sv}", rel_path_keyword="rel_path")
     def GetMultipleFields(self, field_list, rel_path):
         num_id = int(rel_path[1:])
-        # Make sure the requested call exists
-        if num_id >= len(self._calls) or self._calls[num_id]==None:
-            raise InvalidCallID()
-        # Break the string up into a list
-        fields = field_list.split(',')
-        new_field_list = []
-        for field_name in fields:
-            # Make sure the field list entries contain no spaces and aren't empty
-            field_name = field_name.strip()
-            if field_name: new_field_list.append(field_name)
-        return self._calls[num_id].get_fields(new_field_list)
+        return self.get_multiple_fields(num_id, field_list)
     @dbus_signal(_DIN_ENTRY, "", rel_path_keyword="rel_path")
     def CallDeleted(self, rel_path=None):
+    def EntryDeleted(self, rel_path=None):
+        self.CallDeleted(rel_path=rel_path)
     @dbus_method(_DIN_ENTRY, "", "", rel_path_keyword="rel_path")
     def Delete(self, rel_path):
         num_id = int(rel_path[1:])
-        # Make sure the requested call exists
-        if num_id >= len(self._calls) or self._calls[num_id]==None:
-            raise InvalidCallID()
-        backends = self._calls[num_id]._used_backends
-        call = self._calls[num_id].get_fields(self._calls[num_id]._field_idx)
-        if call['New'] and not call['Answered'] and call['Direction'] == 'in':
-            self._new_missed_calls -= 1
-            self.NewMissedCalls(self._new_missed_calls)
-        for backend_name in backends:
-            backend = self._backends[backend_name]
-            if not PIMB_CAN_DEL_ENTRY in backend.properties:
-                raise InvalidBackend( "Backend properties not including PIMB_CAN_DEL_ENTRY" )
-            try:
-                backend.del_call(self._calls[num_id].export_fields(backend_name))
-            except AttributeError:
-                raise InvalidBackend( "Backend does not feature del_call" )
-        #del self._calls[num_id]
-        # Experimental: it may introduce some bugs.
-        call = self._calls[num_id]
-        self._calls[num_id] = None
-        del call
-        # update Path fields, as IDs may be changed - UGLYYYY!!! */me spanks himself*
-        # Not needed with that "experimental" code above.
-        #for id in range(0,len(self._calls)):
-        #    path = _DBUS_PATH_CALLS+ '/' + str(id)
-        #    for field in self._calls[id]._fields:
-        #        if field[0]=='Path':
-        #            field[1]=path
-        for backend_name in backends:
-            backend = self._backends[backend_name]
-            if PIMB_NEEDS_SYNC in backend.properties:
-                backend.sync() # If backend needs - sync entries
+        self.delete(num_id)
-        self.CallDeleted(rel_path=rel_path)
+    def EntryUpdated(self, data, rel_path=None):
+        self.CallUpdated(data, rel_path=rel_path)
     @dbus_signal(_DIN_ENTRY, "a{sv}", rel_path_keyword="rel_path")
     def CallUpdated(self, data, rel_path=None):
@@ -1001,61 +313,4 @@ class CallDomain(Domain):
     def Update(self, data, rel_path):
         num_id = int(rel_path[1:])
-        # Make sure the requested call exists
-        if num_id >= len(self._calls) or self._calls[num_id]==None:
-            raise InvalidCallID()
-        callif = self._calls[num_id]
-        call = callif.get_fields(callif._field_idx)
-        default_backend = BackendManager.get_default_backend(_DOMAIN_NAME)
-        # Search for backend in which we can store new fields
-        backend = ''
-        if default_backend.name in callif._used_backends:
-            backend = default_backend.name
-        else:
-            for backend_name in callif._used_backends:
-                if PIMB_CAN_UPD_ENTRY_WITH_NEW_FIELD in self._backends[backend_name].properties:
-                    backend = self._backends[backend_name]
-                    break
-        # TODO: implement adding new data to backend, which doesn't incorporate call data
-        # For instance: we have SIM call with Name and Phone. We want to add "Birthday" field.
-        # opimd should then try to add "Birthday" field to default backend and then merge calls.
-        if call.has_key('New') and data.has_key('New') and call.has_key('Answered') and call.has_key('Direction'):
-            if not call['Answered'] and call['Direction'] == 'in':
-                if call['New'] and not data['New']:
-                    self._new_missed_calls -= 1
-                    self.NewMissedCalls(self._new_missed_calls)
-                elif not call['New'] and data['New']:
-                    self._new_missed_calls += 1
-                    self.NewMissedCalls(self._new_missed_calls)
-        for field_name in data:
-            if not field_name in callif._field_idx:
-                if backend!='':
-                    callif.import_fields({field_name:data[field_name]}, backend)
-                else:
-                    raise InvalidBackend( "There is no backend which can store new field" )
-            elif not field_name.startswith('_'):
-                for field_nr in callif._field_idx[field_name]:
-                    if call[field_name]!=data[field_name]:
-                        callif._fields[field_nr][1]=data[field_name]
-        for backend_name in callif._used_backends:
-            backend = self._backends[backend_name]
-            if not PIMB_CAN_UPD_ENTRY in backend.properties:
-                raise InvalidBackend( "Backend properties not including PIMB_CAN_UPD_ENTRY" )
-            try:
-                backend.upd_call(callif.export_fields(backend_name))
-            except AttributeError:
-                raise InvalidBackend( "Backend does not feature upd_call" )
-            if PIMB_NEEDS_SYNC in backend.properties:
-                backend.sync() # If backend needs - sync entries
-        self.CallUpdated(data, rel_path=rel_path)
+        self.update(num_id, data)

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