[pkg-fso-commits] [SCM] FSO frameworkd Debian packaging branch, debian, updated. upstream/

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at vanille-media.de
Sat Aug 6 08:18:30 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit 1e42fdcad51a71bc996e87d70e09232d368582f1
Author: Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mickey at vanille-media.de>
Date:   Sun Sep 13 15:42:45 2009 +0200

    ogsmd: [TI CALYPSO]: on closing, drop out of muxing mode and power off the modem (AT at POFF)

diff --git a/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/modems/ti_calypso/modem.py b/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/modems/ti_calypso/modem.py
index dfe40ef..7aa16aa 100644
--- a/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/modems/ti_calypso/modem.py
+++ b/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/modems/ti_calypso/modem.py
@@ -123,6 +123,26 @@ class TiCalypso( AbstractModem ):
         return ok
     def _modemOff( self ):
+        device = serial.Serial()
+        device.port = DEVICE_CALYPSO_PATH
+        device.baudrate = 115200
+        device.rtscts = True
+        device.xonxoff = False
+        device.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS
+        device.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE
+        device.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE
+        device.timeout = 1
+        logger.debug( "opening port now" )
+        device.open()
+        device.write( "\0xf9\0xf9" )
+        device.flush()
+        sleep( 0.2 )
+        device.write( "\0x7E\0x03\0xEF\0xC3\0x01\0x70\0x7E" )
+        device.flush()
+        sleep( 0.2 )
+        device.write( "\r\nAT at POFF\r\n" )
+        device.flush()
+        sleep( 0.2 )
         writeToFile( SYSFS_CALYPSO_POWER_PATH, "0\n" )
     def close( self ): # SYNC

FSO frameworkd Debian packaging

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