[pkg-fso-commits] partnership in business

info678 at jpn.jp info678 at jpn.jp
Sat Jan 14 09:53:03 UTC 2012

*I am sorry to encroach 
*into your privacy in this 
*I found you listed in 
*the Trade Centre Chambers 
*of Commerce 
*directory here in Japan, 
*I find it pleasurable to 
*offer you 
*my partnership in business, 
*I only pray at this time that 
*your address is still valid. 
*I want to solicit your 
*attention to receive money on 
*my behalf. The purpose of 
*my contacting you is because 
*my status would not permit 
*me to do this alone.
 *If interested, please reply, 
*In replying kindly state 
*the following: Your full 
*names, Age, and Location :

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