[pkg-fso-maint] [Debian] Device-agnostic fso-frameworkd: ready to go!

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Thu Oct 30 16:33:06 UTC 2008

> The Openmoko Neo FreeRunner is primarily a phone, which means that
> someone who boots it up expects it making an audible sounds every time
> he receives a call or an SMS.

i beg to differ.
i know a lot of people who hate it and have their cellphones switched to  
vibration first thing after powering on the first time.
furthermore, the intended audience of debian/fso should be able to  
understand what separate packages mean and thus could be expected to be  
able to install an additional package to get sounds.
thirdly, if the sounds are installed by default, why should there be  
another package? why not include into fso-frameworkd?

> On Debian this is not the correct solution [2]: since every
> modifications in conffiles [3] must be preserved [4], if you define no
> sounds for the ring- and message-tones [5], it is done once for all.

so far i found no config, but removed the files and recreated them with  
touch, thus they're empty.

i think i fail to grasp the whole idea of creating an additional pacakge  
(with data not necessary only, maybe, useful) and then forcing it upon the  
debian users should be familiar with this kind of decisions and able to  
... but i repeat myself.

can we at least have a dummy package w/o any sound files if there  
absolutely must be a dependency? i simply hate the idea of having those  
files lying around for nothing.

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