[pkg-fso-maint] [small patch] install.sh

Tiago Bortoletto Vaz tiago at debian-ba.org
Wed Aug 19 21:28:21 UTC 2009


install.sh uses `echo pq| fdisk ${SD_DEVICE} |grep Disk` when needs to get the
sd disk size. Note that by performing this command we can get extra information
which can break the next steps in this script. The current grep call doesn't
consider this possibility:

neo:~# echo pq| fdisk ${SD_DEVICE} |grep Disk |cut -f 3 -d \ ;

and then...

neo:~# ./install.sh --part1-fs vfat --part1-size 16 partition
./install.sh: line 639: 244672-(244672*0/8017
0x9a9ef709): missing `)' (error token is "0x9a9ef709)")

The attached patch is supposed to fix this.


Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
0xA504FECA - http://pgp.mit.edu
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