[pkg-fso-maint] Sephora 0.2-1 available

Michele Renda michele.renda at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 18:28:48 UTC 2009

On 01/02/2009 17:51, Luca Capello wrote:
> Hi Michele!
> Some notes :-)
Thank you!
> Please reconsider your version numbering: it is better not to use '-'
> (dashes) for upstream sources (i.e. distribution-independent ones), but
> plain numbers with dots.
> For your first two releases, a better versioning would have been:
>    0.2-0 ->  0.2.0
>    0.2-1 ->  0.2.1
Yes, I was knowing this, and I will correct. I would like to ask: in 
this case the right name would be


Or,  because I am the maintener and the packager of this project, Can I 
simply call so ?


(CDBS usually permit to call so if I create with the --native option)

> The above can also be read as: whenever you change something in the
> upstream code, please bump the version number as well.
> Another note: Debian (and derivatives) packages always start from
> revision -1, not -0.
Yes, sir :)
> And finally, something it should probably have been said before: Debian
> packages are not the preferred way to distribute a software, but you
> should go for the "canonical" patch, i.e. a tarball compressed with
> either gzip or bzip.
And here go out the long story: I really know that .deb is not the best 
way to distribute a software.
To say the true I don't respect the GPL term, because with .deb I don't 
release the code (ok, everyone can branch a bzr repo).

To be correct I would telease these files:


I am right?

The problem is: a) this software is project to run only for Debian on 
FR. There is no reason because a person of another distro (2008.*, SHR) 
should use
sephora. there are better utility to do the same thing that sephora do. 
I created sephora only because in Debian @ FR there are no such tool!

I tryed to upload on a Launchpad PPA repository but then I had too many 
problems because:
-- I had to change the section from unstable (debian) to intrepid (ubuntu).
--The apt-source list for ppa seem to be not running on Debian at FR (and I 
think is normal)

I asked not to open a project, on Alioth, but I don't think it will be 
accepted (it is a too much little project).

So, for now, this is the only way I can release :(

Michele Renda

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