[pkg-fso-maint] On zhone package update

Nikita V. Youshchenko yoush at debian.org
Tue Jan 6 16:59:00 UTC 2009

> If I want a new upstream revision, I build a clean tarball from the
> upstream branch using "./setup.py sdist"...

For some reason, this step results into dist/zhone-milestone2+git.tar.gz as 
small as 17k.

Maybe you have a MANIFEST.in not comitted to git ?

nikita at blacky:~/openmoko/pkg-e/debian/zhone> python setup.py sdist
running sdist
warning: sdist: manifest template 'MANIFEST.in' does not exist (using 
default file list)
writing manifest file 'MANIFEST'
creating zhone-milestone2+git
creating zhone-milestone2+git/src
making hard links in zhone-milestone2+git...
hard linking README -> zhone-milestone2+git
hard linking setup.py -> zhone-milestone2+git
hard linking src/illume.pyx -> zhone-milestone2+git/src
hard linking src/zhone -> zhone-milestone2+git/src
creating dist
tar -cf dist/zhone-milestone2+git.tar zhone-milestone2+git
gzip -f9 dist/zhone-milestone2+git.tar
removing 'zhone-milestone2+git' (and everything under it)

nikita at blacky:~/openmoko/pkg-e/debian/zhone> ls -l 
-rw-r--r-- 1 nikita nikita 17537 Янв  6 19:53 
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