[pkg-fso-maint] new debian/rules breaks cross compile?

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Sun Jan 18 13:51:54 UTC 2009

i used
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b -aarmel
before successfully to build armel packages on my amd64 box.
today i encountered a strange debian/rules file in cellwriter -- instead  
of the usuall and easily adapted script it's now only a listing of global  
includes (how is one supposed to make changes for a specific  

#!/usr/bin/make -f

include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/gnome.mk

# Only install the TODO into the package directory

while this is weird enough, the created binary is not any longer armel but  
any hints how to make at least cross compiling work again?

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