[pkg-fso-maint] nodm does not work (VT_GETSTATE on /dev/console failed)

Sebastian Reichel elektranox at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 15:41:42 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 05:18:03PM +0200, Enrico Zini wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 01:11:13AM +0200, Sebastian Reichel wrote:
> > > > root at freerunner ~ # nodm
> > > > nodm: VT_GETSTATE failed on /dev/console: Invalid argument
> > > > nodm: cannot allocate a virtual terminal
> Ok. I just tried no nomeata's phone who has the exactly same kernel as
> Sebastian, and it works.
> Googling a bit the error kind of suggests that if you get that error,
> then it looks like /dev/console is not a Linux console. Can you please
> also post the output of "ls -l /dev/console" ? Let's compare the magic
> numbers (nomeata's are "5, 1").

it's the same for me:

elektranox at freerunner ~ % ls -l /dev/console
crw------- 1 root root 5, 1 Jul 25 17:21 /dev/console

> I'm attaching a small C file. I'd like you to compile it:
>    gcc getvt.c -o getvt
> then play with it a bit, and see when it works and when you get errors:
> does it change if you run it under X, or from ssh? What happens if you
> run it many times in a row?

I tried via ssh and via X:
root at freerunner ~ # ./getvt
Console opened
getvt: VT_GETSTATE failed on /dev/console: Invalid argument
root at freerunner ~ # for i in {1..100} ; do ; ./getvt ; done
Console opened
getvt: VT_GETSTATE failed on /dev/console: Invalid argument

In short: I always get the error ;)

> Unfortunately all the debconf's openmokos except nomeata's are currently
> torn apart on top of a table with one poor soul with excellent hands
> fixing the buzz bug on them all. When they're put back together I'll
> also ask people here to try getvt.c.

btw. in pkg-fso repository is still nodm 0.1, I guess it can be
deleted, since there is 0.4 in debian main (testing) and the broken
0.5 in debian main (unstable).

-- Sebastian
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