[pkg-fso-maint] [openBmap] Inclusion in debian feeds for FSO

Onen onen.om at free.fr
Sat Jun 6 19:23:28 UTC 2009

Hi Sebastian,

sorry for the late reply.

Sebastian Reichel wrote:
> I've got 3 lintian warnings:
> W: openbmap-logger: duplicated-key-in-desktop-entry /usr/share/applications/openBmap.desktop:13 Categories

Removed in last git commit.

> W: openbmap-logger: desktop-entry-contains-unknown-key /usr/share/applications/openBmap.desktop:11 SingleInstance

I will try to see if OE uses it.
If yes, does it hurt to let this warning?
If no, then I will remove it too.

> W: openbmap-logger: new-package-should-close-itp-bug
> I guess you should fix at least the first one upstream. You can
> ignore the last one, since we don't enter ITP bugs for pkg-fso
> packages as far as I know.


> Note: The package is untested so far. I will test it tomorrow.

Please, if you do test the package built from something other than a
stable version, do not upload. (We can detect and remove the data, but
it is easier not to have to ;-) ).

Let me know how I can assist you in tests ans so forth. When the git
tree has a shape which is good for your packaging, I will test it, and
label it to a new stable version.


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