[pkg-fso-maint] fso: state of packaging?
Heiko Stübner
heiko at sntech.de
Sun Sep 13 20:24:16 UTC 2009
Am Sonntag 13 September 2009 20:48:53 schrieb arne anka:
> > ah I didn't suspend it after the last update, so I didn't notice. If I
> > try to suspend it crashs for me, too :(
> ok, means it is not caused by something i've done locally.
> i recall a mail a whiel ago where mickey lauer mentioned something about a
> missing patch -- but no idea, if that is related or this segfault is a new
> one.
> no suspend is the dealbreaker for me.
could you post the fsousage-portions of fso-frameworkd. Interesting would be
what lowlevel-plugin you selected.
For example my frameworkd.conf looks like this:
lowlevel_type = openmoko
also interesting would be the output when you stop frameworkd and run
fsousaged in a terminal.
Alternativly run "gdb fsousage", start it with the "run"-command, start
frameworkd (which then uses this instance), try to suspend and generate a
backtrace after the segfault with the gdb-command "bt".
Suspend works like a charm on my freerunner, so I hope this is only some
missing config or something.
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