[pkg-fso-maint] Bug#547510: Bug#547510: zhone refuse to start

Joey Hess joeyh at debian.org
Wed Sep 23 18:49:05 UTC 2009

Joachim Breitner wrote:
> it seems that this is actually a bug in dh: It seems to call setup.py
> twice, once for each version of python, including adjusting the shebang
> line. Then, as the the python version tried last ist 2.4, this modified
> script is shipped with the package.
> I’m not sure what to do differently, thus I’m CC’ing Joey: Is there
> something wrong with the way we package zhone (a python script, not a
> library)?

dh_auto_* looks at pyversions -r to determine which versions of python
the package is targeting, and builds it for each version to support
C python modules.

joey at gnu:~/tmp/zhone-0-git20090610>pyversions -r
pyversions: missing XS-Python-Version in control file, fall back to debian/pyversions
pyversions: missing debian/pyversions file, fall back to supported versions
python2.4 python2.5

We discussed possible breakage in #520834 but missed the case that python
script shebang lines would be modified like this. This seems to be done
by python2.4 setup.py, but not by python2.5 setup.py. In the latter case
you get #!/usr/bin/python. (Is this a bug in python2.4?)

So I suppose you could work around it by adding the control field listing one
python version, probably 2.5.

see shy jo
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