[pkg-fso-maint] Bug#592032: Bug#592032: please increase the priority of the nodm/enabled debconf question to high

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sun Aug 8 09:16:04 UTC 2010

On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 09:04:14PM -0400, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:

> Currently the debconf question about enabling nodm is only shown at
> medium priority. This means that it will not be shown by default. 
> Thibaut Girka, my GSoC student, is currently preparing a smartphone task
> which will include nodm. On smartphones the users most probably want to
> enable nodm. Therefore this question should be shown on default priority
> installs.
> I think the question should not only have priority high for smartphones
> but for all installations. I already think it's kind of strange to not
> enable a package by default, although I understand the reasons for doing
> it the way it currently is. But if a user installs nodm in most cases he also
> wants to run it. Therefore he should at least be given to open to enable
> it at install time.

Right. Thanks for opening this, the issue is indeed up for discussion.
The original idea was that nodm would be turned on via debconf
preseeding. Ideally a foo task should be able to preseed custom debconf
defaults for packages, at least at installer time.

This at least was the original idea :)

I also want to avoid nodm's questions to appear in preconfigured
installation tasks; that is, I'd like to avoid that when the debian
freerunner installer runs it gets stopped by nodm asking the debconf
question at a higher priority.

I guess most custom installers that make use of preseeding are going to
run at priority critical so are not affected by questions at priority
high, so that is a non-issue. And it's probably fair that if someone
installs nodm by hand gets asked the tricky question of whether to run

With this in mind, I am fine going both ways: I am mostly writing this
to make sure you know of the background thoughts so far. If you tell me
it does indeed make sense to have it at high, I'll prepare a new upload



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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