[pkg-fso-maint] Bug#600374: Bug#600374: #600374: NMU for Mokomaze ?
Sebastian Reichel
elektranox at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 12:17:10 UTC 2010
On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 11:12:03AM +0100, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Le Monday 29 November 2010 03:18:55 Paul Wise, vous avez écrit :
> > We are just waiting on the pkg-fso team to make an upload removing the
> > icons and adding the patch I sent upstream.
> Hi,
> (Removing the RM bug CC, I'll send a mail to both bugreports if/when the
> upload is done.)
> As there hasn't been much of an answer from the pkg-fso team, I'd like to
> propose an NMU for mokomaze, in order to get this RC bug solved in time
> for Squeeze. Its changelog entry would be:
Sorry for the long delay, I waited for Joachim (nomeata) to
eventually answer you. The package was previously maintained
by him, but he is no longer active in pkg-fso.
> > mokomaze (0.5.5+git8+dfsg0-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
> >
> > * Non-maintainer upload.
> > * Repack the orig tarball to remove non-free files (Closes: #600374)
> > - therefore cherry-pick two upstream commits:
> > + [084f1e7] Menu icons replaced with the free ones.
> > + [920fb49] Build all the images from a set of SVG files.
> > - Add a librsvg2-bin B-D to build the png images from their svg source.
> > - Add automake B-Ds and an autoreconf call before the build.
> > - Thanks go to Paul Wise for the patches.
> >
> > -- Didier Raboud <didier at raboud.com> Wed, 08 Dec 2010 10:23:12 +0100
Changelog looks fine to me. go on :)
> I pushed the git repository I used to prepare the orig tarball there:
> http://git.debian.org/?p=users/odyx-guest/mokomaze-orig.git (branch dfsg-free)
> and my update of the packaging git repository there:
> http://git.debian.org/?p=users/odyx-guest/mokomaze.git (branch debian-squeeze)
> I built the package and pushed it to alioth:
> http://alioth.debian.org/~odyx-guest/debian/unstable/mokomaze_0.5.5+git8+dfsg0-0.1.dsc
Do you want to become a member of pkg-fso and push the git stuff
into [0]?
> Now if one DD could review and upload this package for me, it'd be great. After
> the upload, I'll send a mail to debian-release + the RM bug (#605205) to ask the
> Release Team to choose between an unblock and a removal.
I'm currently busy, but I can check it this evening.
-- Sebastian
[0] http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-fso/mokomaze.git;a=summary
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