[pkg-fso-maint] Bug#574302: fso-abyss

Dr. Michael Lauer mickey at vanille-media.de
Tue Jun 8 09:16:25 UTC 2010

Am 08.06.2010 um 09:11 schrieb Heiko Stuebner:
> does someone still work on abyss or is it completly dead?

Well, since fso-abyss is just a standalone version of libgsm0710mux,
which I still maintain, we can consider it being alive, although somewhat
deprecated, since we no longer use the pty redirection in fsogsmd.

> As I was updating my fso-abyss build the whole new config handling was included 
> and I was not able to create a working config again.
> I moved abyss.conf to /etc/freesmartphone/conf/GTA02/fso-abyss.conf which 
> resulted in abyss finding it again but I can't figure out how the config sections 
> and params should look now for the new libgsm0710mux versions.

You can take the libgsm0710mux section from any fsogsmd.conf, e.g. use:

log_level = INFO
log_to = file
log_destination = /var/log/libgsm0710mux.log

# Set to 1, when the first AllocChannel request should open a new MUX session
muxer_autoopen = 1
# Set to 1, when the last ReleaseChannel closes the MUX session
muxer_autoclose = 1

# Communication means
device_type = serial
# Communication port
device_port = /dev/ttySAC0
# Port speed
device_speed = 115200
# MUX mode, set to 0 for 07.10 basic multiplexing, to 1 for advanced mode
device_mux_mode = 1
# set maximum 07.10 frame size
device_mux_framesize = 89

# Set wakeup threshold for device (in seconds) or 0 to disable
device_wakeup_threshold = 5
# Set wakeup time for device (in milliseconds)
device_wakeup_waitms = 250

# DEBUG: Whether to ignore MUX mode
session_debug_leave_mux_alone = 0
# DEBUG: Whether to ignore FC mode
session_debug_leave_fc_alone = 0



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