[pkg-fso-maint] Squeeze and kernel 2.6.32 (was: SHR Status Update & DD needed again)

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 07:29:02 UTC 2010

2010/6/5 Steffen Möller <steffen_moeller at gmx.de>:
> Is there something we could possibly render a PR-worthy success story
> for squeeze or squeeze-and-a-half?

Not to the extent eg. QNAP devices were mentioned in Debian 5.0
release notes. The missing bit is kernel support. We would have
patches against 2.6.32 at git.openmoko.org, but pushing them for
inclusion in the Debian kernel would probably be a bit of a stretch,
since we don't have our own 2.6.32 kernel either.

If anyone would like to hack on the kernel side, maybe copying
Debian's official 2.6.32 and adding the delta from om-gta02-2.6.32 as
a patch could be a great way forward. I haven't dared to go to the
kernel land besides compiling my own kernel...

Another option would be to also include Thomas' work from gdrm-2.6.32,
to optionally enable KMS usage which is the way of the future of

And there are 2.6.34 branches as well, but maybe 2.6.32 would be a
more sensible step forwards, especially with squeeze shipping it.
Qtmoko (which is Debian 5.0 based) is getting 2.6.32 already quite
right in its test versions, so there shouldn't be too many problems.


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