[pkg-fso-maint] New packages: literki, woosh

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 19:21:08 UTC 2010

2010/3/9 "Steffen Möller" <steffen_moeller at gmx.de>:
>> http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-fso/literki.git
> interesting! If this is better, should this then not also be the one
> keyboard that is prepared via install.sh?

I think it requires some more use experiences on people using it, but
I'm much happier with it than matchbox-keyboard. With some care it's
actually usable with just fingers, something not true with
matchbox-keyboard. Plus it's super neat with its transparency. Not
taking screen space prevents windows resizing, gives more screen space
and it's quite easy to also "peek" under the keyboard if necessary
with two quick sweeps.

One caveat is that sometimes it feels like it hangs somehow, ie. does
not appear anymore even though it's running. I have a easy restart
keyboard function in menu for that, but it's probably a bug somewhere
in the code. The other caveat I've found is that it's somewhat too
easy to press some actual item on the screen (right above the edge of
the keyboard) when trying to use eg. the backspace, for example "Send"
icon in Zhone, if you are not careful enough. Both are fixable
problems of course.

> What were you doing to become functional with it?

Do you mean what I've changed from default? Besides from the as-is
configuration, I'm doing a couple of stuff in my usage:
1. I removed the touchpad functionality with the patch supplied (but
not applied) in the Debian sources, since it conflicted with my
fbpanel menu button in the lower left corner
2. I'm also using the layout.conf.fi, the same for both portrait and
landscape actually, included in the source package, which adds ä, ö
and € characters together with adding another "X" in the Fn level
which closes current window - I'm now using the keyboard to close
windows (if necessary) instead of a static "close window" button in my
matchbox configuration
3. finally, I've modified literki.conf to increase vibration time from
50 to 100, reduced switcher_width from 240 to 80 in order not to
conflict with Zhone lower right buttons and changed preferred (first)
color in transparent mode from 255 0 0 to color 10 10 10

The 3. would need changing at least if using Zhone, AFAIK, so we might
consider changing the defaults. Also 1. is something that might
conflict with lower left Zhone buttons similarly if not changed at
least in the configuration file to a smaller area.

> Sounds very much ok to me. I would not know how to do it myself :)

Done. I used --keepunreferencedfiles when running reprepro, so the
files are still there but just not referred to. Someone else can do
real cleaning some day if needed :)


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