[pkg-fso-maint] I need a DD to upload libfsoresource :-)

Heiko Stübner heiko at sntech.de
Sun Mar 14 19:01:21 UTC 2010


Am Sonntag 14 März 2010 15:58:21 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
> I had a look, and wonder: Why use unusual branch naming?
> If upstream code was called "upstream" (not "upstream-dist") and our
> packaging was called "master" (not "debian") as is the default for
> git-buildpackage then checking out initially would be as easy as this:
The debian git follows the upstream one. I.e. master is upstreams cornucopia 
repository and I extract the subdir to the upstream-dist branch etc.

>    gbp-clone git.debian.org:/git/pkg-fso/libfsoresource
> Would you mind me renaming those branches (causing all current
> subscribers of the git to re-clone, but better now than later)?
As we will follow upstreams git for a while still, I would like to keep the 
branches as is for now. With this layout it's possible to make scnapshots with 
relative ease [merge master to "programname"-branch, merge "prog"-branch to 
upstream-dist, run autogen, merge to debian, update build files, build].

Also this helps visualize where each one comes from. I.e. debian branch on top 
of upstream etc.

> Also, would you mind me adding some of the latest cool CDBS additions to
> the packaging, like get-orig-source handling and copyright-check?
that would be cool :-). The git repos should be writeable for pkg-fso members.


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