[pkg-fso-maint] GSoC d-i / FreeRunner project?

Thibaut GIRKA thib at sitedethib.com
Fri Mar 26 17:48:56 UTC 2010

[Argh, didn't reply to all, sorry for the duplicate]

> I didn't know that it's possible to have multiple mentors for one
> project. As this indeed seems possible I propose that Per and I (and
> Steffen if he likes) mentor this project together. I would really like
> to share the mentoring responsibilities and as I know Per from Debconf9
> I think we can work together quite well. But ultimately Thibaut has the
> right to choose his mentor(s).

Well, I can't really choose anyone, since I don't know any of you :P

> I now applied to become a mentor on the GSoC page Obey Arthur Liu
> mentioned. 
> As I didnt hear anything from Thibaut in the last few days I don't know
> if he's still interested and if he even followed the discussion on the
> pkg-fso list (I CC'ed him on this mail).

I'm still there, (almost) silently reading (docs, mailing-lists, ...),
and getting a bit more familiar with d-i and kernel packaging.

I've made little concrete progress (as I've not tried to build anything
yet), but I'm starting to understand how the d-i stuff works.
I can however foresee some issues, the first one being to generate an
u-boot image from a kernel udeb, since I've only managed to run images
based on vmlinux (and not vmlniuz), but maybe I haven't tried hard
enough yet :)

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