[pkg-fso-maint] E17 and SHR Apps

Sebastian Reichel elektranox at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 23:52:41 UTC 2010

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 12:15:02AM +0100, Trefle Quatre wrote:
> > > The 3 sections have been disabled.
> > > Packages versions I use:
> > > [...]
> > > pi phonefsod 2.1+git20100802-2
> >
> > I guess you copied this by hand an did a typo?
> I did a copy paste, that's strange, I rechecked again the list and the line
> reads :
> pi phonefsod 0.1+git20100802-2   :)

mh :) defect memory?

> > Can you please check which component ends up using all of
> > your CPU power? And can you please try to disable SIM
> > Authentication to rule it out as possible error source?
> The cpu happenned to be 100% with zhone.

It's probably not a good idea to have zhone and SHR running at the
same time (I never tested this, though).

> I disabled the PIN and.... it is working !!! :)
> Finally I was able to send a sms and do a call. :)
> By the way, do you know why the authentication is causing the problem ?

ok :) I suggested disabling authentication, because the packages
were working for me and I do not have PIN authentication ;)

I hope I will find some time in December to analyse, what's wrong
with SIM authentication.

> It is very difficult to find out how the different services are
> interacting especially when mixed with shr applications.
> Is there any documentation somewhere about that?

There is the following page, which roughly describes SHR:


here is my overview:

phoneuid   - daemon, which renders the GUI. It's a daemon, so that it
             can cache the rendered windows.
phonefsod  - think of it like an communication manager between
             phoneuid and fso's daemon's (it does some more stuff,

fsogsmd    - fso's GSM daemon, which does all the lowlevel bits :)
fsodeviced - fso's Device daemon, which manages display brightness,
             battery status, input events, ...
fsousaged  - a daemon which has a reference counter for each device
             and enabled/disables them on demand. e.g. if you
             request GSM two times you need to release it two times,
             so that it gets disabled.

frameworkd - this is the old fso implementation, which contains all
             fso* daemons from above and some additional daemon,
             which are not yet rewritten. The most important not yet
             rewritten daemon, which is part of frameworkd is opimd,
             which contains your contacts ;) The plan is to
             deprecate this daemon in the future.

> Anyway, thank you very much Sebastian.

you're welcome :)

-- Sebastian
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