[pkg-fso-maint] Dear Beloved Friend,

Edwrad Cole (SAN) annemj_001 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 1 01:32:48 UTC 2010

Dear Beloved Friend,
Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I am Mrs. Anne M. Joubert, a new Christian convert suffering from long time cancer of the breast and have only six months to live, presently I am in a Hospital in London taken my treatment.
I decided to divide my late husband wealth to the tune of $8.650 million to churches in Africa, America, Asia and Europe and for humanity in general. So please confirm the below items if you are interested to assist me in this noble course:
1, your full name
2, your mailing address
3, your telephone and fax numbers
On receipt of the confirmed items, I will forward it to my Attorney so that some necessary changes will be made on the documents to enable you have claim to this Donation, as I wait your gentle and kind response to my mail.

God bless you and your family.
Edwards Cole (SAN)
For; Mrs. Anne M. Joubert


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