[pkg-fso-maint] Bug#584502: ridiculous workaround to get user to type input first

jidanni at jidanni.org jidanni at jidanni.org
Fri Sep 3 20:12:16 UTC 2010

It turns out the problem with sleep 11 or 33 etc. is that when that time comes, we very well
might be typing, causing random results... e.g., caps lock stuck on in
some chvt(1) windows, stuck off in others.

So "you people have forced me" to make this ridiculous workaround, put
into .bashrc:

if test x$DISPLAY = x:0.0 #Not just :0, or at wrong SHLVL in the nodm/icewm/xterm stack
    if ! test -f $j
	echo -n "Hit \"Enter\" for $j bug "
	xmodmap - <<\EOF
remove lock = Caps_Lock
!to restore: add lock
!keycode 115 =
!keycode 116 =
!keycode 117 =
!seems to alleviate e.g., gimp firing up upon ...g
!was Super_L Super_R Menu
	xset r rate 250 30 m 5 7
	touch $j
    unset j

As you see I also assume one X session per boot.

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