[pkg-fso-maint] phoneui-apps: not installable in sid on any architecture

Sebastian Reichel elektranox at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 21:51:07 UTC 2010

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 09:33:02PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
> On 09/14/2010 08:53 PM, Heiko Stübner wrote:
> > Hi Sebastian,
> > 
> > Am Dienstag 14 September 2010, 19:33:40 schrieben Sie:
> >> Heiko: How is the status? Do you need help with the packages?
> > To make the packages installable in sid we would need an upload of the current 
> > fso-deviced packaging to sid.

Let's upload to experimental for now.

> > If you have the time you could look fso-deviced over. Especially the init script
> > could use a pair of eyes, as it is my first init-script for non-private use :-),
> > before we pester Steffen for an upload.

OK, I will check it.

> anything that starts and stops is fine, we'll upload to experimental anyway :)
> Please make sure you have the DNMU flag set and are both (!) listed as uploaders,
> so I cannot forget about it and you'll be quick fixing the more advanced issues.
> > As you will have noticed I had also begun to refresh the whole packaging for 
> > uploads to experimental - and it took some time to get my pbuilder set up to 
> > build using experimental and to adjust to the quirks of the newer vala 
> > versions.
> something tells me that vala is not only helping us all ...

haha :D I think it gets better now.

> > I had exams last wee, will be on holiday next week and am quite limited on 
> > time this week. If you have time at hand you are always welcome to do updates 
> > of the packages.
>  ... hope your exams went well ... a student of mine flashed his iPhone with
> Android last week and was excited about it how functional it all was but was
> back to the iOS when we met. Cruel world. Whatever, let's continue to work
> towards him trying Debian next :)

I think it's pointless discussing such things with Apple fanboys :P

-- Sebastian
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