[pkg-fso-maint] FSO2 packaging

Sebastian Reichel sre at debian.org
Sat Aug 20 00:00:23 UTC 2011

Hi Rico,

I just uploaded fso-specs to Debian (after some changes
from me). Some notes, orderd by priority:

 * You shouldn't have disabled the existing patches. Not
   applying them makes the documentation kind of useless.
 * I applied your cleanup patches in our upstream branch
   to have a clean orig.tar.gz and removed them from the
   debian packaging.
 * Copyright update (just the dates, but I also switched
   to DEP5 format).
 * Removal of some useless files (e.g. upstream's changelog,
   which contains "see git log").
 * Add DEP3 header to patches.
 * I fixed some lintian infos (call lintian with "-I" to
   see them).

Please make sure to document all patches and their removal
in the debian changelog and add DEP3 headers to them. This
helps to understand why some patches were applied or were

I also checked libfsobasics:

 * The Date used in the changelog (+gitYYYYMMDD) is supposed
   to be the date of the last commit and not the date of your
   checkout. But let's just keep it this time (it's just one
   day difference anyway).
 * One build-depend per line helps to read changes
 * Alphabetically sorted build-depends help to find a specific
   one (e.g. to increase minimal needed version)
 * I added multi-arch support
 * Again: please document removal of patches
 * Your restore-INSTALL patch is not needed. dh-autoreconf
   takes care of this.
 * I removed debian/source/options; there shouldn't be a
   Debian patch.
 * I added a debian/watch file
 * There were some relevant info level messages from lintian

I will now add a symbols file (Heiko should have already done
so, they are very helpful to find API breaks) and upload the
package afterwards.

-- Sebastian
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