[pkg-fso-maint] [PATCH] Standardizing and clarifying all documentation.

Carlo Stemberger carlo.stemberger at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 18:07:26 UTC 2011

 install.sh |  205 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh
index 6558de6..6132169 100755
--- a/install.sh
+++ b/install.sh
@@ -280,28 +280,26 @@ usage () {
 	cat <<__END__
-	install.sh - Auto-Installer for Debian on the Openmoko Neo phones (GTA01 and GTA02) v$internal_version
+	install.sh - Auto-Installer for Debian on the Openmoko Neo phones (GTA01
+        and GTA02) v$internal_version
 	[variable1=value1 variable2 ...] `basename $0` [options] all
 	[variable1=value1 variable2 ...] `basename $0` [options] <stages>
+	This script is to be executed on an OpenMoko Neo devices (either 1973 or
+        FreeRunner), two openly designed telephones, to install the Debian
+        operating system on an SD card. The system goes through multiple stages,
+        and can be modified to adapt to local preferences.
-	This script is to be executed on an OpenMoko Neo devices
-	(either 1973 or FreeRunner), two openly designed telephones,
-	to install the Debian operating system on an SD card. The
-	system goes through multiple stages, and can be modified to
-	adapt to local preferences.
-	The individual stages are described below. The script uses
-	cdebootstrap or debootstrap to prepare a directory to which
-	it can chroot(8) and complete the configuration. 
+	The individual stages are described below. The script uses cdebootstrap
+        or debootstrap to prepare a directory to which it can chroot(8) and
+        complete the configuration.
-	To influence the program's behaviour, set the following
-	environment variables or leave the default values.
+	To influence the program's behaviour, set the following	environment
+       	variables or leave the default values.
 	APT_OPTIONS  extra parameters sent to apt for installing packages (set
                      to '$APT_OPTIONS').
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@ ENVIRONMENT
                      control if APT should install recommends by default (set to
                      '$APT_RECOMMENDS', possible values are false/true).
-	BOOTSTRAPPER determines the bootstrapper to use, should be set to
+	BOOTSTRAPPER determine the bootstrapper to use, should be set to
                      deboostrap or cdebootstrap - cdebootstrap is somewhat
                      faster and you may have to "opkg install perl", but it
                      seems to work less reliably (set to '$BOOTSTRAPPER').
@@ -370,118 +368,116 @@ ENVIRONMENT
                      '$DISPLAY_MANAGER', possible values are any *dm package in the Debian
                      archive, which could require a LOT of disk space; set this
                      to none if you do not want a Display Manager).
+	TASKS        specify the tasks shall be assigned to the TASKS
+                     environment variable as a comma separated list (set to '$TASKS',
+                     possible values are specified below).
 	ZHONE        set this to true to install the Zhone GUI (set to '$ZHONE').
                      the password for the root account (set to '$ROOT_PASSWORD').
-    Stages:
-	all          Runs all the stages in the following order:
-                                testing time partition format mount
-                                debian apt fso configuration tasks
-                                kernel cleanup unmount
-	testing      Verifys that everything is in place for this
-                     installer to work
-	time         Fetches the current time from $RDATEHOST via rdate
-	partition    Partitions the microSD card found in $SD_DEVICE
-                     (WARNING, this will destroy all the data on the
-                     microSD card unless the partioning is the same as
-                     used before; this can be used to recover a broken
-                     partiton table due to the suspend/resume problem)
-	format       Formats the microSD card found in '$SD_DEVICE'
-                     (WARNING, this will destroy all the data on the
-                     microSD card)
-	mount        Mounts microSD card partitions under '$INST_DIR'
-	debian       Installs a basic Debian system, including an SSH server
-	apt          Configure APT
-	fso          Install freesmartphone.org packages (by default this
-                     also include the Zhone GUI, see the ZHONE variable)
-	tasks        Installs packages for a series of tasks. Supported are
-                       AUDIO  ($PACKAGES_TASK_AUDIO)
-                       COM    software supporting the communication of
-                              users ($PACKAGES_TASK_COM).  zhone is always
-                              installed.
-                       GAMES  installs games that were designed with
-                              FreeRunner-like devices in mind or that have
-                              been found compatible ($PACKAGES_TASK_GAMES)
-                       GPS    software for GPS, geocaching and navigation
-                              ($PACKAGES_TASK_GPS)
-                       NET    software that is beneficial to investigate
-                              the network setup and/or forward traffic
-                              to USB-attached devices, e.g. to connect a
-                              a laptop to the internet via the freephone's
-                              internet connection (GPRS or Wifi).  See
-                              http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Tethering for
-                              the setup ($PACKAGES_TASK_NET).
-                       TEXT   allows improved handling of text
-                              ($PACKAGES_TASK_TEXT)
-                       WEB    ($PACKAGES_TASK_WEB)
-                       WIFI   ($PACKAGES_TASK_WIFI)
-                       UTILS  whatever was wanted that does not belong to the
-                              other classes ($PACKAGES_TASK_UTILS)
-                       ALL    Selection of all the tasks listed above.
-                     To specify the tasks shall be assigned to the TASKS
-                     environment variable as a comma separated list (set to
-                     '$TASKS').
-	configuration    Configures various parts of the system, such as
-                     the X server
-	kernel       Downloads and installs the Debian kernel package (only
-                     when SD_PART1_FS is set to ext2, now '$SD_PART1_FS')
-	cleanup      Remove unnecessary package and clean APT cache
-	unmount      Unmounts the Debian filesystem mounted at '$INST_DIR'
-    Unsupported or buggy stages, use at your own risk:
-	uboot	     Configures the U-Boot environment to boot Debian (it
-                     needs to run between the debian and the unmount stage,
-                     only when SD_PART1_FS is set to ext2, now '$SD_PART1_FS')
+	all          run all the stages in the following order: testing time
+                     partition format mount debian apt fso configuration tasks
+                     kernel cleanup unmount.
+	testing      verify that everything is in place for this installer to
+                     work.
+	time         fetch the current time from $RDATEHOST via rdate.
+	partition    partition the microSD card found in '$SD_DEVICE'.
+                     WARNING, this will destroy all the data on the microSD card
+                     unless the partioning is the same as used before; this can
+                     be used to recover a broken partiton table due to the
+                     suspend/resume problem.
+	format       format the microSD card found in '$SD_DEVICE'. WARNING,
+                     this will destroy all the data on the microSD card.
+	mount        mount microSD card partitions under '$INST_DIR'.
+	debian       install a basic Debian system, including an SSH server.
+	apt          configure APT.
+	fso          install freesmartphone.org packages (by default this
+                     also include the Zhone GUI, see the ZHONE variable).
+        tasks        install packages for a series of tasks (see below).
+	configuration
+                     configure various parts of the system, such as the X
+                     server.
+	kernel       download and install the Debian kernel package (only when
+                     SD_PART1_FS is set to ext2, now '$SD_PART1_FS').
+	cleanup      remove unnecessary package and clean APT cache.
+	unmount      unmount the Debian filesystem mounted at '$INST_DIR'.
+	Unsupported or buggy stages, use at your own risk:
+	uboot	     configure the U-Boot environment to boot Debian (it needs
+                     to run between the debian and the unmount stage, only when
+                     SD_PART1_FS is set to ext2, now '$SD_PART1_FS').
+	Supported are:
+	COM          software supporting the communication of users
+                     ($PACKAGES_TASK_COM). Zhone is always installed.
+	GAMES        install games that were designed with FreeRunner-like
+                     devices in mind or that have been found compatible
+                     ($PACKAGES_TASK_GAMES).
+	GPS          software for GPS, geocaching and navigation
+                     ($PACKAGES_TASK_GPS).
+	NET          software that is beneficial to investigate the network
+                     setup and/or forward traffic to USB-attached devices, e.g.
+                     to connect a laptop to the internet via the freephone's
+                     internet connection (GPRS or Wi-Fi). See
+                     http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Tethering for the setup
+                     ($PACKAGES_TASK_NET).
+	TEXT         allows improved handling of text ($PACKAGES_TASK_TEXT).
+	WEB          ($PACKAGES_TASK_WEB).
+	UTILS        whatever was wanted that does not belong to the other
+                     classes ($PACKAGES_TASK_UTILS).
+	ALL          selection of all the tasks listed above.
-	For users uncomfortable with setting environment variables, the following
-	options have been implemented to be set as arguments:
+	For users uncomfortable with setting environment variables, the
+        following options have been implemented to be set as arguments:
-        -h|--help    shows this information
-	--verbose    same as invocation with VERBOSE=true as environment variable
+        -h|--help    show this information.
+	--verbose    same as invocation with VERBOSE=true as environment
+                     variable.
 	--apt-options <options>
-                     sets the APT_OPTIONS variable
+                     set the APT_OPTIONS variable.
 	--hostname <name>
-                     sets the HOSTNAME variable
+                     set the HOSTNAME variable.
-                     mounts /proc directory in Debian chroot
+                     mount /proc directory in Debian chroot.
-                     disable the partitioning when otherwise doing "all"
+                     disable the partitioning when otherwise doing "all".
 	--part1-fs <vfat|ext2|ext3>
-                     sets the SD_PART1_FS variable
+                     set the SD_PART1_FS variable.
 	--part1-size <megabytes>
-                     sets the SD_PART1_SIZE variable
+                     set the SD_PART1_SIZE variable.
 	--swap-size <megabytes>
-                     sets the SD_SWAP_SIZE variable
+                     set the SD_SWAP_SIZE variable.
 	--with-tasks <tasks>
-                     sets the TASKS variable
+                     set the TASKS variable.
-                     will install the localepurge package
+                     will install the localepurge package.
 	--trayer <trayer>
-                     sets the TRAYER variable
+                     set the TRAYER variable.
 	--bootstrapper (debootstrap|cdebootstrap)
-                     sets the BOOTSTRAPPER variable
+                     set the BOOTSTRAPPER variable.
-	Next to your install.sh script you may want to create a file
-	that remembers the parameters for you that you have chosen for
-	your previous setup.
+	Next to your install.sh script you may want to create a filei that
+        remembers the parameters for you that you have chosen for your previous
+        setup.
 	./install.sh --part1-fs vfat --part1-size 16  all
-	Performs a complete installation. Tasks would be addressed if the
-	TASKS environment variable would have been set.
+	Performs a complete installation. Tasks would be addressed if the TASKS
+        environment variable would have been set.
 	TASKS="GAMES,GPS" ./install.sh --part1-fs vfat --part1-size 16  all
-	As before, but now extra packages are installed (and configured)
-	to prepare a selection of games and a reasonably complete utilisation
-	of the GPS funcionality.
+	As before, but now extra packages are installed (and configured) to
+        prepare a selection of games and a reasonably complete utilisation of
+        the GPS funcionality.
 	TASKS="GAMES,GPS" ./install.sh --part1-fs vfat --part1-size 16  tasks
@@ -496,10 +492,9 @@ BUGS
 	This script should be functional with the GTA01 except for the
 	installation of the kernel.
-	For comments or contributions, you can directly send emails
-	to the list mentioned below. However, please be aware of the
-	pkg-fso git repository that helps orchestrating our efforts. You
-	can check it out with
+	For comments or contributions, you can directly send emailsi to the list
+        mentioned below. However, please be aware of the pkg-fso git repository
+        that helps orchestrating our efforts. You can check it out with
 	  git clone git://git.debian.org/pkg-fso/files.git
 	perform your changes and prepare patches with
 	  git format-patch origin/master

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