[pkg-fso-maint] Bug#633089: doesn't read ~/.Xresources anymore etc. etc.

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Fri Jul 8 11:29:53 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 05:48:07PM +0800, jidanni at jidanni.org wrote:

> Starting today you no longer read the user's .Xresources .

Did you set NODM_XSESSION to something different than /etc/X11/Xsession?

nodm just runs /etc/X11/Xsession after starting X, and the standard
/etc/X11/Xsession, at least in my system, loads X resources and does all
the other things found in /etc/X11/Xsession.d



Would you mind keeping your emotions to yourself and sticking to what is
useful for the bug report?
GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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