[pkg-fso-maint] packaging for qi: please review and comment

Timo Juhani Lindfors timo.lindfors at iki.fi
Mon Jun 6 09:35:56 UTC 2011


Sebastian Reichel <sre at debian.org> writes:
> 1. Why do you install to "/usr/lib/qi/gta02" instead of
>    "/usr/lib/qi/s3c2442"?

/usr/lib/qi/gta02/qi GTA02 specific. For example it is hardcoded to read
files named append-GTA02 and uImage-GTA02.bin. -- Wouldn't s3c2442 give
a bit misleading impression?

> 2. AFAIK upstream switched from [0] to [1].

Latest patch in [1] is


and it is already included in the package. There are also 9 patches that
are not in [1] but are in [0].

So, is this a fork or new upstream? ;-)

> 3. Don't forget to report & insert the ITP bug ;)

Sure, I just wanted to get feedback from openmoko people first.

> [0] "http://git.openmoko.org/?p=qi.git;a=summary"
> [1] "http://gitorious.org/0xlab-bootloader/qi-bootloader"


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