[pkg-fso-maint] Bug#639856: Bug#639856: Bug#639856: Bug#639856: xf86-video-glamo: please consider enabling armhf

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Fri Sep 2 08:02:47 UTC 2011

On Friday 02 September 2011 02:48:03 gregor herrmann wrote:

> I don't know if it makes sense -- but if an experienced arm* porter
> like zumbi asks for something I prefer to fulfill the request over
> second-guessing their ideas; maybe that just means I'm too lazy :)

We could have been saved from guessing their ideas if they told "I have this 
XXX ARM7 device with glamo and i want to run this driver".

Otherwise what's the point of adding package without any reason? And plain 
request is not reason - no matter who is the requester.



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