[pkg-fso-maint] Packaging release versions of FSO components

Simon Busch morphis at gravedo.de
Tue May 8 08:49:46 UTC 2012

Hey Jonas,

> What is pull-debian-source?

It's a simple scripts from the ubuntu-dev-tools which enables you to
pull debian sources within ubuntu from any release (I am on ubuntu here
but building with a debian sid chroot environment).

> I recommend using alioth.debian.org instead.  It also supports personal 
> repositories, if what you want is some preliminary location.

Yes, that would be the primrary target for the repositories. Currently
there are the repositories for the old-git-snapshot-based variant of the
FSO packages. If the FSO maintainers decide to switch to a release-based
packaged version of FSO we should rename the old repositories to
something like old-libfsosystem and push the new ones.


Simon Busch - http://mm.gravedo.de/blog/

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