[pkg-fso-maint] libfso-glib + fso-gsmd transition

Niels Thykier niels at thykier.net
Sun Nov 3 13:23:35 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-03 14:16, Sebastian Reichel wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 03, 2013 at 12:01:45PM +0100, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> [...]
>> We managed to get the whole stack to migrate in the 11:00 UTC Britney
>> run.  The trick was to migrate the new packages at the same time of
>> removing the old ones.
> cool :)
>> I have not reviewed the full log, but at least:
>>   a new version of fso-datad, fso-deviced, fso-gsmd, fso-usaged,
>>   libfsoframework and libphone-ui-sh migrated to testing.
>>   the packages libfsoresource, libfsotransport and
>>   libgsm0710mux were removed from testing (no longer in sid AFAIK).
> sounds good. What about libfsobasics and libfsosystem?
> Should I request removal from testing manually?
> -- Sebastian

No need to request it; manual removal is only needed when we need to
convince Britney to remove packages.  Britney will automatically try to
remove packages no longer in sid from testing without anyone telling her to.

In the given case, libfsosystem also got removed in the 12:00 UTC run
(typo'ed the time in my original email).  libfsobasics is still in
testing due to an issue with ordering, but I suspect it will disappear
on its own in tonights run[1].


[1] Britney could have removed libfsoframework0 in the main run, but she
isn't smart enough to do it.  Thus, libbasics surived the main run, but
there is no longer anything blocking its removal, so 24:00 UTC run
should clean it up.

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