[Pkg-gambas-devel] New release

Sebastian Kulesz sebikul at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 19:26:11 UTC 2013

Hey there! A new release was made a couple of days ago (3.5.0) . The
packages available are really outdated and badly packaged. What about
pushing an update? ;)

There is a third-party repository with packages for the previous stable
version (3.4.2) if you want some ground work for the new components and

deb ftp://ozdocit.org/pub/easygp/ easygp main
deb-src ftp://ozdocit.org/pub/easygp/ easygp main

If for some reason you can't update the packages to the newer version,
please let me know so that i can get a sponsor to push the updates as those
packages are really causing a headache.

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