[Pkg-gambas-devel] New release

Ian Haywood ihaywood3 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 23:06:48 UTC 2013

On 25/10/13 18:55, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez wrote:
> 2013/10/25 Ian Haywood <ihaywood3 at gmail.com>:
> On 25/10/13 06:26, Sebastian Kulesz wrote:

>> Current debianization is available in the git repo of this list, and
>> all patches to fix pending issues are welcome (just taking a view to
>> the lintian messages after compiling them will give an idea of what is
>> needed). I'd like to have them uploaded before the Jessie freeze but
>> I'm not sure I'll have time to do it. If anybody wants to work on it
>> in the Debian git, I'd be very happy uploading them to Debian if they
>> have the needed quality.
Pino Toscano raised an number of other issues back in August which I
replied to:


and I think you already have these patches,

Current lintian output is

Now running lintian...
W: gambas3 source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.3 (current is 3.9.4)
Finished running lintian.

I'm not saying it's perfect but if there are other quality issues
holding back release you will need to specify them.

Also, we may not be looking at the same code.
I sent you a mail about this a few weeks ago, reposting in case you
missed it.

> the trouble I have had with git is that git-import-orig does not
> actually update
> the "master" branch with the new source code, despite what its
> documentation claims.
> look at acinclude.m4 line 67: it's still 3.4.1, and that's from my
> abortive attempts to update the code manually in April.
> I have used "git rebase" to create a new branch "newmaster" based on
> 3.4.2 with the debian files from the existing master branch.
> if this is acceptable I will rename the remote branches so "newmaster"
> becomes the "master" and delete "newmaster"
> this will mean you will have to reload your git repository I think.

the alternative if you or anyone else can fix the master branch
directly. then just cherry-pick my changes from "newmaster" and delete it.


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