r1316 - in packages/trunk/wormux: . debian
Jean Parpaillon
artefact-guest at costa.debian.org
Mon Aug 7 08:36:59 UTC 2006
Author: artefact-guest
Date: 2006-08-07 08:36:58 +0000 (Mon, 07 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 1316
Upstream update + some fixes
Added: packages/trunk/wormux/README
--- packages/trunk/wormux/README 2006-08-07 06:11:03 UTC (rev 1315)
+++ packages/trunk/wormux/README 2006-08-07 08:36:58 UTC (rev 1316)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ Wormux
+ ======
+These are the release notes for Wormux
+1/ What is Wormux ?
+Have the mascots of your favorite free softwares battle in the Wormux
+arena. Using dynamite, grenades, baseball bat and others
+bazookas,... exterminate your opponent in a 2D toon style scenery and
+a funny environment.
+Each player (2 minimum, on the same PC) controls the team of his
+choice (penguin, gnu, firefox, wilber,...) and must destroy his
+adversary using more or less casual weapons.
+Although a minimum of strategy is required to vanquish, Wormux is
+pre-eminently a "convivial mass murder" game where, turn by turn, each
+member of each team attempts to produce a maximum of damage to his
+2/ How to play ?
+You may not break your brain to understand how to play with Wormux.
+2.1/ Controls
+* Key tab: Change active character
+* Key "c": Recenter to active character
+* Key left/right: walk to the left / to the right
+* Key up/down: Move cursor (used by the bazooka, the gun, etc.), ie.
+ shoot angle
+* Key space: Shoot. Exceptions: the parachute is automaticly deployed,
+ and teleportation is made with mouse (right) click.
+ Warning: Automatic bazooka need a target first (select it with left click)
+* Mouse right click: Show/hide weapons menu
+* Mouse left click: Select target for teleportation or automatic bazooka
+* Mouse left click on a character: Make it active (if it's allowed)
+* Key F1, F2, .. F5: Change weapon in category 1, 2, ... 5
+* Key escappe : Quitter le jeu (une confirmation est nécessaire)
+* Key enter: ("Horizontal") jump
+* Key backspace: ("Vertical") jump
+* Mouse move next to screen borders: Move the map
+2.2/ Additional help
+On the website, you will find some useful help:
+* List of weapons: http://wormux.org/wiki/en/weapons.php
+* List maps: http://wormux.org/wiki/en/maps.php
+ * How to write your own map: http://wormux.org/wiki/Create_your_own_map.php
+* List of skins: http://wormux.org/wiki/en/skins.php
+* Forum: http://www.wormux.org/forum/
+3/ On which system can I play out-of-the-box ?
+Wormux is available out-of-the-box on a wide variety of systems (have
+a look at http://wormux.org/wiki/packages.php for an up-to-date list):
+* Linux based systems:
+ * Debian Etch
+ * Debian Sid
+ * Ubuntu Dapper
+ * Ubuntu Edgy
+ * Fedora Core 4
+ * Fedora Core 5
+ * Mandriva 2006
+ * Mandriva 2007
+ * Gentoo
+ * Slackware
+ * SourceMage
+ * PLD
+ * Crux
+ * Sorcerer Grimoire
+* FreeBSD
+* Windows
+* Mac OS X
+4/ Misc links
+* Official web site: http://wormux.org/
Modified: packages/trunk/wormux/debian/changelog
--- packages/trunk/wormux/debian/changelog 2006-08-07 06:11:03 UTC (rev 1315)
+++ packages/trunk/wormux/debian/changelog 2006-08-07 08:36:58 UTC (rev 1316)
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-wormux (0.7.2-7) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+wormux (0.7.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) ]
* debian/control:
+ Uncapitalised short descriptions and removed leading "an".
- -- Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <sam+deb at zoy.org> Wed, 2 Aug 2006 12:25:06 +0200
+ [ Jean Parpaillon ]
+ * Update upstream 0.7.3
+ * Bug fix: segfault when switching with keyboard (closes: Bug#378803)
+ -- Jean Parpaillon <artefact at altern.org> Mon, 7 Aug 2006 09:54:38 +0200
wormux (0.7.2-6) unstable; urgency=low
* Bug fix: build dependency libsdl-ttf1.2-dev does not exist anymore,
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