r2088 - packages/trunk/openarena/debian

Bruno Fuddl-guestquot; Fuddl" Kleinert fuddl-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Dec 10 00:54:44 CET 2006

Author: fuddl-guest
Date: 2006-12-10 00:54:44 +0100 (Sun, 10 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 2088

fixed a type in README.Debian

Modified: packages/trunk/openarena/debian/openarena.README.Debian
--- packages/trunk/openarena/debian/openarena.README.Debian	2006-12-09 23:41:55 UTC (rev 2087)
+++ packages/trunk/openarena/debian/openarena.README.Debian	2006-12-09 23:54:44 UTC (rev 2088)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 In the Debian package of the Open Arena client, flares (light gloss around 
 light sources) is disabled by default, because it causes a performance loss on 
 certain graphics hardware (Intel cards and maybe others). On ATI or NVIDIA 
-cards (and maybe others) you won't notice a great performance penatly, if 
-flares are enabled.
+cards (and maybe others) you won't notice a great performance penalty if flares 
+are enabled.
 To enable the flare effect, run "openarena" and open the in-game console by 
 pressing '^' and type "\r_flares 1" (without the quotes). If you notice a 

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