r3172 - packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian

Andres Mejia ceros-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 2 02:16:51 UTC 2007

Author: ceros-guest
Date: 2007-07-02 02:16:50 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 3172

Man pages should be good now. Long description of package will mention homepage.

Modified: packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/changelog
--- packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/changelog	2007-07-01 20:19:21 UTC (rev 3171)
+++ packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/changelog	2007-07-02 02:16:50 UTC (rev 3172)
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
   * Renamed accountserver binary to vsaccountserver.
   * Tar-in-tar build method will be used again.
   * Building vslauncher binary again.
+  * Modified vegastrike man page.
+    + vegstrike man page will contain information for all binaries.
+    + man pages for other binaries will link to vegastrike man page.
+  * Package's long description will mention the homepage.
   [ Emmet Hikory ]
   * Install .desktop file to /usr/share/applications/

Modified: packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/control
--- packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/control	2007-07-01 20:19:21 UTC (rev 3171)
+++ packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/control	2007-07-02 02:16:50 UTC (rev 3172)
@@ -14,3 +14,5 @@
  project, at version 1.0, is to be a generic space simulator. Current
  features include split-screen play, trading, exploration and plenty of
  shoot'em up action.
+ .
+ Homepage: http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/

Modified: packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/vegastrike.6
--- packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/vegastrike.6	2007-07-01 20:19:21 UTC (rev 3171)
+++ packages/trunk/vegastrike/debian/vegastrike.6	2007-07-02 02:16:50 UTC (rev 3172)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 .\" -*- nroff -*-
-.TH VEGASTRIKE 6 "June 26 2002" "Version" "Vega Strike - Celeste"
+.TH VEGASTRIKE 6 "July 2007" "Version 0.4.3" "Vega Strike 0.4.3 - Celeste"
-Vega Strike Celeste\- Trade, Fight and Explore the Universe
+Vega Strike Celeste \- Trade, Fight and Explore the Universe
 .BI "vsaccountserver"
@@ -26,48 +26,66 @@
 executable and begin a New Game.
+.B vsaccountserver
+.I binary
+The Vegastrike Account Server version 0.0.1. It's not useful for playing vegastrike. For more information, contact Stephane Vaxelaire.
+.B vegaserver
+.I binary
+The Vegastrike Server version 0.2. It's not useful for playing vegastrike. For more information, contact Stephane Vaxelaire.
 .B vsinstall
-.I program
-sets up the default save game, copies the vegastrike.config file to a user's ~/.vegastrike.4.x directory  and runs 
+.I script
+Sets up the default save game, copies the vegastrike.config file to a user's ~/.vegastrike-0.4.x directory  and runs 
 .B vssetup 
 from the proper directory.
 .B vslauncher
-.I program
-allows the user to select a mission to run, then executes
+.I binary
+Allows the user to select a mission to run, then executes
 .B vegastrike
 When a user has selected a save game to use via the New Game or Load Game buttons.  A user may autorecover an autosave file by clicking on the Recover Auto Save button, and selecting the save game to recover to, which will launch 
+.B vegastrike 
 and recover the save game.  Save games must be saved at a base or planet.
+.B vssetup
+.I binary
+This binary's sole purpose is to be called by
+.B vsinstall
+to do the initial setup of vegastrike.
+.B vssoundserver
+.I binary
+This binary is not intended to be called by a user directly.  It is
+intended to by be spawned only by the vegastrike binary.
 .B vegastrike
-.I program
-begins Vega Strike with the selected XML mission file (full path necessary) and the save game appearing as the only text in ~/.vegastrike/save.txt
+.I binary
+Begins Vega Strike with the selected XML mission file (full path necessary) and the save game appearing as the only text in ~/.vegastrike-0.4.x/save.txt
-run the 
+Run the 
 .B vsinstall
 program to set up your specific config options, then invoke 
 .B vslauncher
-Read the readme.txt file in 
-.I "/usr/local/share/doc/vegastrike" 
-or in color at 
+Read the readme.txt file in
+.I "/usr/share/doc/vegastrike"
+or in color at
 .I http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/player_tutorial/
 to learn the keybindings and walk through a tutorial.
 More information can be obtained from the Vega Strike website at
 .I http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/
 .I -d/my/data/dir
-as the path for finding the vega strike data. Default is /usr/local/share/vegastrike/data
+as the path for finding the vega strike data. Default is /usr/share/games/vegastrike/data
 .I -p1024,2405,1245090101
 Forces the player's starting location to be at x= 1024, y= 2405, z=1245090101
@@ -76,103 +94,76 @@
 Forces the player to start in the troy system in gemini sector.
 .I missionname
-Specifies a mission for vegastrike to run.  Default is /usr/local/share/vegastrike/data/mission/exploration/explore_universe.mission.
+Specifies a mission for vegastrike to run.  Default is /usr/share/games/vegastrike/data/mission/exploration/explore_universe.mission.
 .B Vega Strike
 expects a configuration file (
-.I $HOME/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config
+.I $HOME/.vegastrike-0.4.x/vegastrike.config
 ), which is modified by
 .B vsinstall
-A simple illustration of how to adjust vegastrike.config and the associated keybindings and options is in the readme.txt included in the documentation and also in the player tutorial listed above.
+A simple illustration of how to adjust vegastrike.config and the associated keybindings and options is in the readme.txt file in
+.I "/usr/share/doc/vegastrike"
+or in color at
+.I http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/player_tutorial/
 .B vegastrike
 is available thanks to the work of many developers. For a listing
-of the authors, please see the file 
-.I http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/credits.html
-in the top-level directory of the source distribution.
+of the authors, please see the file
+.B /usr/share/doc/vegastrike/AUTHORS
+A more complete and updated listing can be found at
+.B http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/credits.html
 .B vegastrike
-can be distributed under the terms of the X11 license. A copy of the
-license is in the file
-in the top-level directory of the source distribution.
-Bug reports and successes may be posted to 
-.I vegastrike-users at lists.sourceforge.net
-If you want to post a bug report, please tell us which mission you ran, copy the last few lines of stdout and stderr, and describe the bug in detail, and what lead up to it.  It would be most helpful if you included a stack trace by compiling running vegastrike from the source distro.
-For problems and suggestions with this manpage, please send a note to
-Daniel Horn <hellcatv at hotmail.com>.
-The most recent public version of 
-.B vegastrike
-can be obtained from http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/
-The latest snapshot of the code may be obtained via CVS.  For information
-on how to do this, please see
-Vega Strike Celestia, the
-.B vegastrike
-development headquarters, is at
-.I http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/.
-This website contains a great deal of information about
-.B vegastrike.
-.B vegastrike
-mailing list is 
-.I vegastrike-users at lists.sourceforge.net
-It is used for discussion of various 
-.B vegastrike end user aspects/help.
-For further information about 
-.B vegastrike
-development, you might want to subscribe to the 
-.B vegastrike
-"vegastrike-devel", "vegastrike-user" mailing lists at
-.I http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=19507
+can be distributed under the terms of the GPL license. A copy of the
+license can be found under /usr/share/common\-licenses/GPL
 .PD 0
-.I /usr/local/bin/vegastrike
+.I /usr/games/vegastrike
 .B vegastrike
-.I /usr/local/bin/vsinstall
+.I /usr/games/vsinstall
 The Setup utility.
-.I /usr/local/bin/vslauncher
+.I /usr/games/vslauncher
 .B vegastrike 
 save game and mission selection utility
-.I /usr/local/bin/vssetup
+.I /usr/games/vssetup
 Internal installer program
-.I /usr/local/share/vegastrike
+.I /usr/share/games/vegastrike
 .B vegastrike
 data files
-.I /usr/local/lib/man/man1
-Directory containg
-.B this file 
-.I ~/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config
+.I ~/.vegastrike-0.4.x/vegastrike.config
 User-specific configuration file
-.I ~/.vegastrike
+.I ~/.vegastrike-0.4.x
 Directory containing user specific data managed by 
-.B vegastrike. 
+.B vegastrike.
+.I /usr/games/vsaccountserver
+The Vegastrike Account Server version 0.0.1
+.I /usr/games/vegaserver
+The Vegastrike Server version 0.2
+.I /usr/games/vssoundserver
+Binary only used by
+.B vegastrike
 .BR http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/player_tutorial
 .BR /usr/share/doc/vegastrike

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