r8493 - in packages/trunk/xmoto/debian: . patches

Miriam Ruiz miriam at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 10 10:08:01 UTC 2008

Author: miriam
Date: 2008-12-10 10:08:01 +0000 (Wed, 10 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 8493

New Upstream Release

Modified: packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/changelog
--- packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/changelog	2008-12-09 09:33:20 UTC (rev 8492)
+++ packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/changelog	2008-12-10 10:08:01 UTC (rev 8493)
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+xmoto (0.5.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Miriam Ruiz ]
+  * New Upstream Release (Closes: #508286)
+  * Added patch to fix FTBFS in gcc 4.4 (Closes: #505414)
+    + Thanks to Martin Michlmayr for the patch.
+  * Refreshed patches
+  * Removed patch fix_segfault2.patch: Already fixed in upstream code
+ -- Miriam Ruiz <little_miry at yahoo.es>  Wed, 10 Dec 2008 10:48:48 +0100
 xmoto (0.4.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Barry deFreese ]

Modified: packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/fix_segfault.patch
--- packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/fix_segfault.patch	2008-12-09 09:33:20 UTC (rev 8492)
+++ packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/fix_segfault.patch	2008-12-10 10:08:01 UTC (rev 8493)
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-diff -u xmoto-0.4.2/debian/changelog xmoto-0.4.2/debian/changelog
---- xmoto-0.4.2.orig/src/states/StateMainMenu.cpp
-+++ xmoto-0.4.2/src/states/StateMainMenu.cpp
-@@ -673,6 +673,7 @@
+Index: xmoto-0.5.0/src/states/StateMainMenu.cpp
+--- xmoto-0.5.0.orig/src/states/StateMainMenu.cpp	2008-11-23 10:30:46.000000000 +0100
++++ xmoto-0.5.0/src/states/StateMainMenu.cpp	2008-12-10 10:58:22.000000000 +0100
+@@ -843,6 +843,7 @@
    int   v_nbDiffLevels    = 0;
    std::string v_level_name= "";
    xmDatabase* pDb = xmDatabase::instance("main");
@@ -9,36 +10,49 @@
    if(v_window != NULL){
      delete v_window;
-@@ -695,14 +696,21 @@
+@@ -860,7 +861,8 @@
+     pDb->read_DB_free(v_result);
--  v_nbStarts        = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 0));
-+  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 0);
-+  v_nbStarts        = tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
-   v_since           =      pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 1);
--  v_totalPlayedTime = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 2));
--  v_nbPlayed        = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 3));
--  v_nbDied          = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 4));
--  v_nbCompleted     = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 5));
--  v_nbRestarted     = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 6));
--  v_nbDiffLevels    = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 7));
-+  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 2);
+-  v_nbStarts        = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 2, 0, 0));
++  tmpresult         =      pDb->getResult(v_result, 2, 0, 0);
++  v_nbStarts        =      tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
+   v_since           =      pDb->getResult(v_result, 2, 0, 1);  
+   pDb->read_DB_free(v_result);
+@@ -876,11 +878,16 @@
+     pDb->read_DB_free(v_result);
+     return;
+   }
+-  v_totalPlayedTime = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 0));
+-  v_nbPlayed        = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 1));
+-  v_nbDied          = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 2));
+-  v_nbCompleted     = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 3));
+-  v_nbRestarted     = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 4));
++  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 0);
 +  v_totalPlayedTime = tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
-+  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 3);
++  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 1);
 +  v_nbPlayed        = tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
-+  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 4);
++  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 2);
 +  v_nbDied          = tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
-+  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 5);
++  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 3);
 +  v_nbCompleted     = tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
-+  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 6);
++  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 5, 0, 4);
 +  v_nbRestarted     = tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
-+  tmpresult = pDb->getResult(v_result, 8, 0, 7);
+   pDb->read_DB_free(v_result);
+   v_result = pDb->readDB("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id_level)) "
+@@ -891,7 +898,8 @@
+     pDb->read_DB_free(v_result);
+     return;
+   }  
+-  v_nbDiffLevels = atoi(pDb->getResult(v_result, 1, 0, 0));
++  tmpresult         = pDb->getResult(v_result, 1, 0, 0);
 +  v_nbDiffLevels    = tmpresult ? atoi(tmpresult) : 0;
-@@ -754,11 +762,16 @@
+   /* Per-player info */
+@@ -943,11 +951,16 @@
      if(cy + 45 > nHeight) break; /* out of window */
      v_level_name      =      pDb->getResult(v_result, 6, i, 0);

Deleted: packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/fix_segfault2.patch
--- packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/fix_segfault2.patch	2008-12-09 09:33:20 UTC (rev 8492)
+++ packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/fix_segfault2.patch	2008-12-10 10:08:01 UTC (rev 8493)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Index: xmoto-0.4.2/src/states/StateScene.cpp
---- xmoto-0.4.2.orig/src/states/StateScene.cpp	2008-10-11 09:16:03.000000000 -0400
-+++ xmoto-0.4.2/src/states/StateScene.cpp	2008-10-11 09:17:46.000000000 -0400
-@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
-       int v_nbPlayed, v_nbDied, v_nbCompleted, v_nbRestart, v_playedTime;
-       std::string v_idLevel = m_universe->getScenes()[0]->getLevelSrc()->Id();
--      v_result = v_pDb->readDB("SELECT nbPlayed, nbDied, nbCompleted, nbRestarted, playedTime "
-+      v_result = v_pDb->readDB("SELECT IFNULL(nbPlayed,0), IFNULL(nbDied,0), IFNULL(nbCompleted,0), IFNULL(nbRestarted,0), IFNULL(playedTime,0) "
- 			       "FROM stats_profiles_levels "
- 			       "WHERE id_profile=\"" + xmDatabase::protectString(XMSession::instance()->profile()) + "\" "
- 			       "AND id_level=\""     + xmDatabase::protectString(v_idLevel) + "\";",

Added: packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/gcc44-ftbfs.patch
--- packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/gcc44-ftbfs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/gcc44-ftbfs.patch	2008-12-10 10:08:01 UTC (rev 8493)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# See: http://bugs.debian.org/505414
+Index: xmoto-0.5.0/src/XMArgs.cpp
+--- xmoto-0.5.0.orig/src/XMArgs.cpp	2008-12-10 11:02:16.000000000 +0100
++++ xmoto-0.5.0/src/XMArgs.cpp	2008-12-10 11:02:56.000000000 +0100
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include "XMBuild.h"
+ #include "VFileIO.h"
+ #include <sstream>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ XMArguments::XMArguments() {
+Index: xmoto-0.5.0/src/helpers/Log.cpp
+--- xmoto-0.5.0.orig/src/helpers/Log.cpp	2008-12-10 11:02:16.000000000 +0100
++++ xmoto-0.5.0/src/helpers/Log.cpp	2008-12-10 11:02:46.000000000 +0100
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include "VExcept.h"
+ #include "../VFileIO.h"
+ #include "assert.h"
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+ bool  Logger::m_isInitialized = false;
+Index: xmoto-0.5.0/src/helpers/Text.cpp
+--- xmoto-0.5.0.orig/src/helpers/Text.cpp	2008-12-10 11:02:16.000000000 +0100
++++ xmoto-0.5.0/src/helpers/Text.cpp	2008-12-10 11:02:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+ #include "Text.h"
++#include <cstdio>
+ std::string txtToLower(const std::string& i_str) {
+     std::string v_res;

Modified: packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/series
--- packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/series	2008-12-09 09:33:20 UTC (rev 8492)
+++ packages/trunk/xmoto/debian/patches/series	2008-12-10 10:08:01 UTC (rev 8493)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

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