r5460 - in packages/branches/openal/andres/debian: . patches

Andres Mejia ceros-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jan 18 18:58:46 UTC 2008

Author: ceros-guest
Date: 2008-01-18 18:58:46 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 5460

Actually name development packages libopenal1-dev.
Use a Conflicts field for the development packages.
Don't use Provides, Conflicts, or Replaces fields for the libraries. They should not be necessary.
Drop a patch that was unnecessary.
Update TODO.
Updated changelog to the relevant changes that were made to this commit.

Modified: packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/TODO
--- packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/TODO	2008-01-18 16:05:20 UTC (rev 5459)
+++ packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/TODO	2008-01-18 18:58:46 UTC (rev 5460)
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
- * Check the B-D:
-   - Check the architecture(s) for which `nasm' is needed. There are some
-     conditions on whether the platform is x86 or x86_64, in CMakeLists.txt.
- * Adjust the -dev package:
-   - Probably do not attempt to ship evil .la files, currently commented out in
-     the install file. Document it in the changelog once it is decided.
-     + This I'm sure is a bad idea as we can not be sure that no project will
-       ever need these files. I've uncommented the install file for these files.
-       -- Andres Mejia
+ * yasm support.
+   yasm seems to be supported as the default assembler upstream. Also, it seems
+   that yasm has more features. We should probably attempt to have openal build
+   with yasm as the default assembler. Also, we should use the latest version
+   of yasm (http://bugs.debian.org/440528).
+ * Transition.
+   We should support a transition from the old libopenal packages to the new
+   ones. The old development packages should be reuploaded using the name
+   libopenal0a-dev and have a Conflicts of libopenal1-dev. There should also be
+   dummy package named libopenal-dev which should have a Depends on the more
+   stable development packages (currently libopenal0a-dev). The libraries
+   shouldn't contain any Provides, Replaces, or Conflicts fields.
- -- Cyril Brulebois
+ -- Andres Mejia  Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:37:14 -0500

Modified: packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/changelog
--- packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/changelog	2008-01-18 16:05:20 UTC (rev 5459)
+++ packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/changelog	2008-01-18 18:58:46 UTC (rev 5460)
@@ -7,30 +7,10 @@
   * Dropped the following patches:
     - fix_gcc-4.2.diff:
         Merged upstream.
-    - kfreebsd_linking.diff:
-        Autotools and m4 are no longer used.
     - pkg-config_drop_requirements.diff:
         @requirements@ is now replaced by an appropriate variable.
     - undocumented_alext_header.diff:
         There's no file to patch anymore.
-  * Dropped quilt from the B-D accordingly, no patch left!
-  * Upstream now proposes cmake:
-    - debian/control:
-        + Added cmake, pkg-config to the B-D.
-        + Added nasm to the B-D, see debian/TODO.
-        + Dropped libarts1-dev from the B-D, since there's no arts-related
-          code anymore.
-        + Dropped texinfo from the B-D also, no longer needed.
-    - debian/rules:
-        + Moved ./configure to cmake. It looks like almost all --enable-*
-          options are enabled in the CMakeLists.txt file (which means: esd,
-          mp3, vorbis, alsa, sdl). It seems that there's neither `arts' or
-          `capture', though. Alsa is only enabled on Linux, which sounds fine.
-        + Replaced `distclean' by `clean', since cmake doesn't support the
-          former. Extra cleanup will be needed, see TODO.Debian.
-        + Added a BUILD_TREE variable to specify the build directory where the
-          `out-of-tree' build has to be done. That ensures a nice `clean'
-          target.
   * Transition from libopenal0a to libopenal1:
     - debian/control:
         Renamed package, updated Conflicts/Replaces.
@@ -67,6 +47,10 @@
     libsmpeg-dev, libvorbis-dev (>= 1.0.1), libasound2-dev (>= 1.0.5)
     [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386] for libopenal-dev.
   * Updated copyright file to show where upstream source was downloaded from.
+  * Actually name development package libopenal1-dev.
+    + Provide a Conflicts field for previous versions of libopenal*-dev
+  * Don't provide a Replaces or Conflicts field for libopenal1. This should be
+    for transition purposes.
  -- Andres Mejia <mcitadel at gmail.com>  Thu, 17 Jan 2008 19:15:00 -0500

Modified: packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/control
--- packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/control	2008-01-18 16:05:20 UTC (rev 5459)
+++ packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/control	2008-01-18 18:58:46 UTC (rev 5460)
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/openal/?op=log
 Homepage: http://openal.org/
-Package: libopenal-dev
+Package: libopenal1-dev
 Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
+Conflicts: libopenal0a-dev
 Depends: libopenal1 (= ${binary:Version}), libsdl1.2-dev (>= 1.2.7) | libsdl-dev, libesd0-dev, libsmpeg-dev, libvorbis-dev (>= 1.0.1), libasound2-dev (>= 1.0.5) [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386]
 Description: OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio
  OpenAL, the Open Audio Library, is a joint effort to create an open,
@@ -27,11 +28,11 @@
 Section: libs
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
-Replaces: libopenal0, libopenal0a
-Conflicts: libopenal0, libopenal0a
 Description: OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio
  OpenAL, the Open Audio Library, is a joint effort to create an open,
  vendor-neutral, cross-platform API for interactive, primarily spatialized
  audio. OpenAL's primary audience are application developers and desktop
  users that rely on portable standards like OpenGL, for games and other
  multimedia applications.
+ .
+ This package provides the OpenAL libraries.

Modified: packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/patches/series
--- packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/patches/series	2008-01-18 16:05:20 UTC (rev 5459)
+++ packages/branches/openal/andres/debian/patches/series	2008-01-18 18:58:46 UTC (rev 5460)
@@ -1,2 +1 @@

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