[SCM] Packaging libSOIL -- OpenGL image loader library used by libSFML branch, master, updated. upstream/1.07.20080707-5-g0128c57

Christoph Egger Christoph.Egger at gmx.de
Tue Sep 30 17:39:16 UTC 2008

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9379f85337a4ad494c2e8b8457323d3dab147e0f
Author: Christoph Egger <Christoph.Egger at gmx.de>
Date:   Tue Sep 30 19:24:33 2008 +0200

     * Placing meaningfull text in long description

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 3a95bb0..56f54df 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -11,18 +11,30 @@ Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
 Depends: libsoil1 (= ${binary:Version})
 Description: Simple OpenGL Image Library - development files
- asdf
+ SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. 
+ It supports loading BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA, DDS,PSD and HDR files as well as saving
+ into TGA, BMP and DDS Files.
+ .
+ It is also able to perform common functions needed in loading OpenGL textures.
 Package: libsoil1
 Section: libs
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Simple OpenGL Image Library
- asdf
+  SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. 
+ It supports loading BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA, DDS,PSD and HDR files as well as saving
+ into TGA, BMP and DDS Files.
+ .
+ It is also able to perform common functions needed in loading OpenGL textures.
 Package: libsoil1-dbg
 Section: libs
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Simple OpenGL Image Library - debug files
- asdf
+ SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. 
+ It supports loading BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA, DDS,PSD and HDR files as well as saving
+ into TGA, BMP and DDS Files.
+ .
+ It is also able to perform common functions needed in loading OpenGL textures.

Packaging libSOIL -- OpenGL image loader library used by libSFML

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