r10070 - packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian

Barry deFreese bdefreese at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jul 25 14:47:53 UTC 2009

Author: bdefreese
Date: 2009-07-25 14:47:52 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 10070

  * Remove path from true in preinst.
  * Add set -e to preinst.
  * Update long descriptions for -data and -server packages.

Modified: packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/changelog
--- packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/changelog	2009-07-25 14:36:56 UTC (rev 10069)
+++ packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/changelog	2009-07-25 14:47:52 UTC (rev 10070)
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
   [ Barry deFreese ]
   * Update my e-mail address.
   * Don't remove .pc dir before running quilt pop -a.
+  * Remove path from true in preinst.
+  * Add set -e to preinst.
+  * Update long descriptions for -data and -server packages.
   * Bump Standards Version to 3.8.2. (No changes needed).
  -- Barry deFreese <bdefreese at debian.org>  Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:36:12 -0400

Modified: packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/control
--- packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/control	2009-07-25 14:36:56 UTC (rev 10069)
+++ packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/control	2009-07-25 14:47:52 UTC (rev 10070)
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
 Package: liquidwar-data
 Architecture: all
 Description: Data files for Liquid War
+ Liquid War is an original multiplayer wargame. There are no weapons, the only
+ thing you have to do is to move a cursor in a 2-D battlefield. This cursor is
+ followed by your army, which is composed by a  great many little fighters, 
+ represented by small colored squares. When fighters from different teams meet,
+ they eat each other, it is as simple as that.
+ .
  This package holds the data files necessary to play Liquid War, an original 
  multiplayer wargame.
@@ -33,5 +39,11 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Replaces: liquidwar (<< 5.6.2-2)
 Description: Liquid War server
+ Liquid War is an original multiplayer wargame. There are no weapons, the only
+ thing you have to do is to move a cursor in a 2-D battlefield. This cursor is
+ followed by your army, which is composed by a  great many little fighters, 
+ represented by small colored squares. When fighters from different teams meet,
+ they eat each other, it is as simple as that.
+ .
  Liquid War is an original multiplayer wargame. This package contains the 
  server for Liquid War game.

Modified: packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/liquidwar-data.preinst
--- packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/liquidwar-data.preinst	2009-07-25 14:36:56 UTC (rev 10069)
+++ packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/liquidwar-data.preinst	2009-07-25 14:47:52 UTC (rev 10070)
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-test -h /usr/share/doc/liquidwar-data && rm /usr/share/doc/liquidwar-data || /bin/true
+set -e
+test -h /usr/share/doc/liquidwar-data && rm /usr/share/doc/liquidwar-data || true

Modified: packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/liquidwar.preinst
--- packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/liquidwar.preinst	2009-07-25 14:36:56 UTC (rev 10069)
+++ packages/trunk/liquidwar/debian/liquidwar.preinst	2009-07-25 14:47:52 UTC (rev 10070)
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-#test -h /usr/share/doc/liquidwar && rm /usr/share/doc/liquidwar || /bin/true
+#test -h /usr/share/doc/liquidwar && rm /usr/share/doc/liquidwar || true
 # Whatever we had before, move all the cruft to the new directory and make
 # space for the symlink
+set -e
 if [ ! -h /usr/share/doc/liquidwar ] ; then
    test -d /usr/share/doc/liquidwar-data || mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/liquidwar-data
    if [ "`echo /usr/share/doc/liquidwar/*`" != "/usr/share/doc/liquidwar/*" ] ; then

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