r10103 - in non-free/packages/trunk: . assaultcube-data assaultcube-data/debian

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 30 14:50:22 UTC 2009

Author: goneri
Date: 2009-07-30 14:50:22 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 10103

initial import

Added: non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/changelog
--- non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/changelog	2009-07-30 14:50:22 UTC (rev 10103)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+assultcube (1.0.2+repack1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial release (Closes: #XXXXX) 
+ -- Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri at rulezlan.org>  Thu, 30 Jul 2009 16:25:27 +0200

Added: non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/control
--- non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/control	                        (rev 0)
+++ non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/control	2009-07-30 14:50:22 UTC (rev 10103)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Source: assaultcube
+Section: non-free/games
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri at rulezlan.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
+Standards-Version: 3.8.2
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-games/non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube/
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-games/non-freepackages/trunk/assaultcube/?op=log
+Homepage: http://assault.cubers.net/
+Package: assaultcube-data
+Section: games
+Architecture: all
+Recommends: assaultcube
+Description: data files fro Assault Cube
+ AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the
+ game Cube. Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's
+ possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This
+ game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.
+ . 
+ This package contains data used by Assault Cube 

Added: non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/copyright
--- non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/copyright	                        (rev 0)
+++ non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/copyright	2009-07-30 14:50:22 UTC (rev 10103)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+This package was debianized by Gonéri Le Bouder on
+Thu, 30 Jul 2009 16:37:10 +0200
+It was downloaded from http://assault.cubers.net/
+The actual maintainer is the pkg-games team:
+   AssaultCube is FREEWARE, you may freely distribute the AssaultCube
+   installer/archive unmodified on any media. You may re-compress using
+   different archival formats (i.e. zip/tgz/rpm/deb/dmg), any changes beyond
+   that require explicit permission.
+   AssaultCube is distributed WITHOUT WARRANTY, you may use it for any
+   purpose as long as you do not blame us for any damages incurred.
+   This game consists of many different packages with different licenses. The
+   ENTIRE AssaultCube package MAY be redistributed as mentioned above. But if
+   you wish to redistribute/use/modify it in a different way you will need to
+   adhere to the licenses for the packages that you are using.
+-- Copyright holders
+This file holds the copyright information for all packages/artwork included in AssaultCube (UNLESS OTHERWISE 
+NOTED) OR it will tell you the place to find the licenses for works within AssaultCube.
+Please respect the authors reserved rights and permissions.
+ac_complex	- Copyright © 2004-2006 by makkE (makk_e at web.de).
+ac_mines	- Copyright © 2004-2006 by makkE (makk_e at web.de).
+ac_depot	- Copyright © 2004-2006 by MitaMAN.
+ac_desert	- Copyright © 2004-2006 by makkE (makk_e at web.de) and Arghvark.
+ac_desert2	- By Nieb
+ac_snow		- By daMfr0
+ac_power	- By wotwot
+ac_elevation	- By A&D_Shadow
+ac_toxic	- © Copyright 2007-2008 by RandumIdiot (http://www.ri-ac.co.nr). Detailed copyright info for
+                  this map: packages/maps/readme_ac_toxic.txt
+ac_urban	- By Archangel, with help from RandumIdiot. 
+Mr.Floppy  	- Map: ac_keller, plus textures.
+DogDancing 	- Map: ac_shine, ac_scaffold, plus textures.
+R4zor 		- Map: ac_sunset
+KC 		- Map: ac_arctic 
+The included maps remain intellectual property of their respective creators. Mapmessages upon load may 
+provide further detail. 
+Mapmodels: Check "..packages/models/mapmodels/licenses.txt" for copyright information.
+Misc models: Check "..packages/models/misc/license.txt" for copyright information.
+Pickup models: Check "..packages/models/pickups/license.txt" for copyright information.
+Player models: Check "..packages/models/playermodels/readme.txt" for copyright information. 
+Weapon models: Check "..packages/models/mapmodels/license.txt" for copyright information.
+All files in packages/misc/ 
+ - Copyright © 2005-2006 by makkE. 
+ - blood.png = Copyright © Shane Nieb
+ - scope.png = By Attila "Antiklimax" Feher, 2008.
+Files in: packages/misc/crosshairs
+ - Mostly by makkE. 
+			 o_dot.png
+			 o_x.png
+ - By: Topher of Death Illustrated team. Permission to use given by Pushplay (Thanks!!) 
+File: packages/misc/bullethole.png
+ - Made by leileilol of OpenArena (licensed under GPL)
+File: source/vcpp/buildEnv/header.bmp
+ - © makkE, all rights reserved
+Copyright by arcitool: http://www.arcitool.de/
+WICHTIG: Die angebotenen Dateien und Bilder sind zum kostenlosen download vorgesehen. Die Dateien erhalten 
+keinen besonderen Schutz, um eine hohe Flexibilität für die Weiterbearbeitung zu gewährleisten. Die Dateien 
+dürfen beliebig verändert werden. Mailen Sie uns bitte Änderungsvorschläge, damit wir die Dateien ggf. auf 
+den neuesten Stand bringen können.
+Alle Dateien und Bilder dürfen uneingeschränkt in eigenen Projekten verwendet werden. Es ist nicht gestattet, 
+die Dateien und Bilder zu veröffentlichen, in andere Sammlungen einzubauen oder in irgend einer Form zu 
+veräußern. Hierzu bedarf es in jedem Fall der Erlaubnis von arcitool. 
+Copyright by arcitool
+IMPORTANT: The offered files and images are meant to be freely downloadable. The files are not protected in 
+any way, to allow high flexibility of usage and reproccession. Files may be altered in any way. Please mail 
+us suggestions for changes, so we can assure future quality and replace files eventually.
+All files and images may be used without restrictions in your projects.It is prohibited to offer those files 
+as part of other texture packs or sell or distribute them in any other way without prior permission from 
+Royalty Free textures assorted by Boeck, partially reprocessed by makkE to fit the engine. Thanks for the 
+excellent textures/resources !!
+These great textures were made by Craig Fortune.
+These textures are copyright (c) Ted Southard  http://www.digitalflux.com 
+They are free to use for non commercial use. Re-packaging and selling as part of a texture collection is 
+strictly prohibited.
+(c)Copyright by jcdpc
+Textures here-in are either by makkE, or have been assembled/reprocessed/tiled/etc from various sources:
+Can I use these textures for free?
+You can use any texture for personal or school projects without my permission. However if you decide to 
+distribute your work I would appreciate credit where credit is due.
+Where can I not use these textures?
+Any webpage, program, or texture cd that has them available without my permission is not permitted. You can 
+however use them in a design scheme for your site.
+what's with the update delays?
+Since I'm a full time student and freelance web designer, it's a little hard for me to find time to get out 
+and take pictures (especially since i live in arizona and it's 500 degrees outside). Lately though I've been 
+trying a lot harder to put a lot more work into the sites content.
+Golgotha Texture Pack
+Textures by "Jonathon Clark and the Golgotha team
+Free textures from the abandoned "Golgotha" Video game. 
+License Agreement
+Thanks to the Golgotha creators, these textures are free for use in any project whatsoever, and can be used 
+in commercial games or anything else unconditionally.
+(C) 2002 by NOCTUA Graphics.  All rights reserved.
+All textures, materials and 3D objects in the download area can be used without any restrictions in your own 
+private and commercial projects. You are not allowed to spread them without giving the creators name, to 
+include them in texture collections without a written permission and you strictly may not offer them as 
+textures for sale in any way.  
+../packages/textures/sub = Check readme in the folder.
+Name: sub_crates_v2.zip
+Author: Chris Zastrow
+Email: czastrow at newlogicmedia.com
+URL: http://www.newlogicmedia.com/subverse/
+Greetings from the dark underworld of texture art. Thank you for giving my textures a try. If you'd like to 
+use these textures commercially, please contact me via email. Please do not alter these images, or distribute 
+them without this "info.txt" file.  Thanks if you link to my main page, but please don't link to the files 
+directly. Thanks, have fun! ;)
+Textures from various, approved "free to use for non commercial purpose" resources. 
+Textures here-in remain intellectual property of their respective authors.
+Check readme in these folders for information:
+Textures by wotwot.
+Dummy texture. By kurt.
+Skyboxes (c) 2004 by steini, makkE.
+(Feel free to use the sykboxes in "makke" for whatever you want, read PD).
+SimonOC 		Nightball skymap	\
+LadyNightHawk 		InhCanyons skymap  	 |--> All under CC license. See the readme in their folders.
+Sock 			Iceflow skymap 		/
+Recorded by makkE and/or partially reprocessed from various royalty free or free to modify samples (thanks to 
+MitaMAN for gathering resources). 
+Note: Shame on me I didn't keep track of my exact sources here. If you recognize any sound or components of a 
+sound that has copyright issues, please contact me so I can solve it. Thanks, makkE. 
+Sounds by "wildweasel"
+These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
+This sound is from the game tremoulous, licensed under the CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION-SHAREALIKE 2.5 
+LICENSE. Please read http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ to learn more about this license. The 
+full license text is contained in the file named CC.
+These sounds are from OpenArena and are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
+End-of-match music: © 2005 Dietmar Pier, created for AssaultCube, all rights reserved.
+ - cube.dietmarpier.de
+PingPong: These tracks are by Lukas Zapletal & Ludek Horacek (pingpong)
+------------OTHER LICENSES------------
+AC readme: 					source/README.txt
+CUBE readme:					source/README_CUBEENGINE.txt 
+E-net license:					source/enet/license
+Cube MasterServer license:			source/CubeMS/README.txt
+Redistrbutable Windows SDL libraries readme:	bin_win32/readme_SDL.txt
+Cube Bots readme:				docs/cube_bot-readme.txt

Added: non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/rules
--- non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/rules	                        (rev 0)
+++ non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/rules	2009-07-30 14:50:22 UTC (rev 10103)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
+# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
+# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
+# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
+# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# shared library versions, option 1
+# option 2, assuming the library is created as src/.libs/libfoo.so.2.0.5 or so
+#version=`ls src/.libs/lib*.so.* | \
+# awk '{if (match($$0,/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$$/)) print substr($$0,RSTART)}'`
+#major=`ls src/.libs/lib*.so.* | \
+# awk '{if (match($$0,/\.so\.[0-9]+$$/)) print substr($$0,RSTART+4)}'`
+	# nothing
+	mkdir ../repack
+	uscan --force-download --destdir ../repack
+	( \
+		cd ../repack ;\
+		tar xf * ;\
+		cd AssaultCube_v1.0.2 ;\
+		rm -rf bin_unix ;\
+		GZIP="--best" tar -czf irrlicht_1.5+repack1.orig.tar.gz irrlicht-1.5 ;\
+		mv irrlicht_1.5+repack1.orig.tar.gz .. ;\
+	)
+	rm -rf ../repack
+clean: unpatch
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
+	dh_clean 
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_prep
+	dh_installdirs
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+binary-indep: install
+# We have nothing to do by default.
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+binary-arch: install
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_installchangelogs
+	dh_installdocs README.html
+	dh_installexamples
+	dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp
+	dh_installman
+	dh_link
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_makeshlibs
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure

Property changes on: non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/rules
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/watch
--- non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/watch	                        (rev 0)
+++ non-free/packages/trunk/assaultcube-data/debian/watch	2009-07-30 14:50:22 UTC (rev 10103)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+opts=dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg\d+$//g \
+ http://sf.net/actiongame/AssaultCube/1.0/AssaultCube_v([\.0-9]+)\.tar.bz2

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