r10106 - packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches

Peter De Wachter pdewacht-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 31 19:19:52 UTC 2009

Author: pdewacht-guest
Date: 2009-07-31 19:19:52 +0000 (Fri, 31 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 10106

asylum: alternative patch for #538772.

Added: packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/number-input.patch
--- packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/number-input.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/number-input.patch	2009-07-31 19:19:52 UTC (rev 10106)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+Use SDL's unicode layer for menu input. This way we can support all keyboard
+variations (numeric keypad, numbers on a shifted position, whatever else).
+Debian bug #538772.
+Also allow Alt-Gr as an alternative for right alt.
+--- a/asylum.c
++++ b/asylum.c
+@@ -480,6 +480,7 @@
+     SDL_WM_SetCaption("Asylum", "Asylum");
++    SDL_EnableUNICODE(1);
+ #ifndef _NO_SOUND
+     init_audio();
+ #endif
+--- a/asylum.h
++++ b/asylum.h
+@@ -495,6 +495,7 @@
+ void swi_stasis_volslide(int a, int b, int c);
+ void swi_removecursors();
+ int osbyte_79(int c);
++int osbyte_79_unicode(int c);
+ int osbyte_7a();
+ void osbyte_7c();
+ int osbyte_81(int c);
+--- a/keyboard.c
++++ b/keyboard.c
+@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@
+ extern asylum_options options;
+-char keyboard[512];
+-int keybuf;
+-int mouse;
++static char keyboard[512];
++static int keybuf;
++static int unibuf;
++static int mouse;
+ #define ESC_VALUE 27
+@@ -54,6 +55,14 @@
+     return -1;
+ }
++int osbyte_79_unicode(int c)
++    update_keyboard();
++    int uni = unibuf;
++    unibuf = -1;
++    return uni;
+ int osbyte_7a()
+ {
+     update_keyboard(); for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) if (keyboard[i]) return i;return -1;
+@@ -96,6 +105,10 @@
+             ke = (SDL_KeyboardEvent*)&e;
+             keyboard[ke->keysym.sym] = 0xff;
+             keybuf = ke->keysym.sym;
++            if (ke->keysym.unicode)
++                unibuf = ke->keysym.unicode;
++            else
++                unibuf = -1;
+             break;
+         case SDL_KEYUP:
+             ke = (SDL_KeyboardEvent*)&e;
+@@ -128,7 +141,7 @@
+ void zonecheatread(int* zone)
+ {
+-    char r1 = osbyte_7a(); // was _81(0)
++    char r1 = osbyte_79_unicode(0); // was _81(0)
+     if ((r1 < 48) || (r1 > 56)) return;
+     *zone = r1-48;
+--- a/menus.c
++++ b/menus.c
+@@ -54,18 +54,17 @@
+             swi_fastspr_clearwindow();
+             texthandler();
+         }
+-       esctextstop:
+-        if (osbyte_81(-113))
++        switch (osbyte_79_unicode(1))
+         {
+-            loselife(); return 0;
+-        }
+-        if (osbyte_81(-111))
+-        {
+-            adjustopt(); return 0;
+-        }
+-        if (osbyte_81(-114))
+-        {
+-            rejoin(); return 0;
++            case 'q': case 'Q':
++                loselife();
++                return 0;
++            case 'o': case 'O':
++                adjustopt();
++                return 0;
++            case 'r': case 'R':
++                rejoin();
++                return 0;
+         }
+     }
+     osbyte_7c();
+@@ -478,7 +477,7 @@
+ {
+     int r1;
+-    do
++    for (;;)
+     {
+        keyloop:
+         if (options.joyno != 0)
+@@ -488,20 +487,18 @@
+ //if (r0&(1<<16)) {/*optfire:*/ return 0;}
+         }
+        nooptstick:
+-        r1 = osbyte_81(1); // read key in time limit
+-// if (r1!=0xff) printf("%i\n",r1);
++        r1 = osbyte_79_unicode(1); // read key in time limit
+         if (swi_readescapestate())
+         {
+            optescape:
+             osbyte_7c(); // clear escape
+             return -1;
+         }
+-        if (r1 == 0) continue;
+-        if (osbyte_81(options.firekey) == 0xff) optfire: return 0;r1 -= 48; // '1' key returns value 49
++        if (r1 >= '0' && r1 <= '0' + maxopt)
++            return r1 - '0';
++        if (osbyte_81(options.firekey) == 0xff)
++            return 0;
+     }
+-    while (!((r1 >= 0) && (r1 <= maxopt)));
+-   optexit:
+-    return r1;
+ }
+ const int _x = 250;
+@@ -552,8 +549,8 @@
+         if (readmousestate()&2)
+         {
+            gocheat:
+-            if (osbyte_81(-307) != 0xff) return cheatpermit;
+-            if (osbyte_81(-308) != 0xff) return cheatpermit;
++            if (osbyte_81(-SDLK_LALT) != 0xff) return cheatpermit;
++            if (osbyte_81(-SDLK_RALT) != 0xff && osbyte_81(-SDLK_MODE) != 0xff) return cheatpermit;
+             cheatpermit = 1;
+             scroll = 1024;
+         }

Deleted: packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/numeric-keypad.patch
--- packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/numeric-keypad.patch	2009-07-31 15:50:35 UTC (rev 10105)
+++ packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/numeric-keypad.patch	2009-07-31 19:19:52 UTC (rev 10106)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Allows input using the numeric keypad. Debian bug #538772.
---- a/menus.c
-+++ b/menus.c
-@@ -497,7 +497,14 @@
-             return -1;
-         }
-         if (r1 == 0) continue;
--        if (osbyte_81(options.firekey) == 0xff) optfire: return 0;r1 -= 48; // '1' key returns value 49
-+        if (osbyte_81(options.firekey) == 0xff)
-+            return 0;
-+        if (r1 >= SDLK_0 && r1 <= SDLK_9)
-+            r1 -= SDLK_0;
-+        else if (r1 >= SDLK_KP0 && r1 <= SDLK_KP9)
-+            r1 -= SDLK_KP0;
-+        else
-+            continue;
-     }
-     while (!((r1 >= 0) && (r1 <= maxopt)));
-    optexit:

Modified: packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/series
--- packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/series	2009-07-31 15:50:35 UTC (rev 10105)
+++ packages/trunk/asylum/debian/patches/series	2009-07-31 19:19:52 UTC (rev 10106)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

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