[SCM] Packaging for Gargoyle, IF player branch, upstream, updated. upstream/2009-08-25-1-g331f898

Sylvain Beucler beuc at beuc.net
Sat Sep 12 11:54:08 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 331f898cf9662214ba22de312f71eaa9c51bbf0d
Author: Sylvain Beucler <beuc at beuc.net>
Date:   Sat Sep 12 13:50:07 2009 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 2009-08-25

diff --git a/licenses/HUGO License.txt b/licenses/HUGO License.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4d3b6..0000000
--- a/licenses/HUGO License.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-HUGO LICENSE - December 19, 2003
-Copyright (c) 2003 by Kent Tessman
-The General Coffee Company Film Productions
-1.   Definitions
-"Copyright Holder" refers to Kent Tessman.
-"End User" refers to a user of the Software.
-"End User Program" refers to a computer program created by an End
-User, written using the Hugo Programming Language and compiled using
-the Hugo Compiler.
-"Hugo" refers to the Hugo Interactive Fiction Development System, created
-by the Copyright Holder.
-"Hugo Programming Language" refers to the Hugo programming language and
-its characteristic syntax.
-"Hugo Source Code" refers to the human-readable source code of the
-"License" refers to this license.
-"Software" refers to the Hugo Compiler, the Hugo Engine, the Hugo
-Debugger, the Hugo Library, and any other related programs or files.
-2.   Ownership and Grant of Rights
-2.1  Hugo is the property of the Copyright Holder.  The Copyright Holder
-retains its copyright in the Software, without limitation.
-2.2  The Copyright Holder grants to the End User the right to use the
-Software solely for the purposes of:
-     (a) running programs created with the Software; and
-     (b) creating End User Programs.
-2.3  End User Programs are the property of the End User.
-3.   Provision of the Hugo Source Code
-3.1  The Copyright Holder has made available to the End User the Hugo
-Source Code for the purposes of:
-     (a) porting the Software to operating systems for which the
-         Software is not yet available; and
-     (b) investigating the functionality of the Software.
-3.2  In no way does the Copyright Holder's act of making available the
-Hugo Source code reduce or otherwise affect in any way its rights in
-the Hugo Source Code.
-4.   Modification and Distribution
-4.1  Distribution of the Software or the Hugo Source Code, in whole or
-in part, in a modified form without the express written consent of the
-Copyright Holder is prohibited.
-4.2  Distribution of the Software or the Hugo Source Code, in whole or
-in part, for profit or other commercial intent or monetary transaction
-without the express written consent of the Copyright Holder is
-4.3  This License must be distributed with any distribution of the 
-Software or the Hugo Source Code.
-5.   Warranty
-The Software and the Hugo Source Code are provided "as is" without
-warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not
-limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
-particular purpose.  In no event shall the Copyright Holder or The 
-General Coffee Company Film Productions or any other related or
-unrelated party be liable to the End User or any other individual or
-entity for damages arising out of the use or inability to use these or
-other programs.  Use of the Software indicates acceptance of these
diff --git a/licenses/LUXI License.txt b/licenses/LUXI License.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ef83da..0000000
--- a/licenses/LUXI License.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Bigelow & Holmes Inc and URW++ GmbH Luxi font license
-Luxi fonts copyright (c) 2001 by Bigelow & Holmes Inc. Luxi font
-instruction code copyright (c) 2001 by URW++ GmbH. All Rights
-Reserved. Luxi is a registered trademark of Bigelow & Holmes Inc.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of these Fonts and associated documentation files (the "Font
-Software"), to deal in the Font Software, including without limitation
-the rights to use, copy, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
-and/or sell copies of the Font Software, and to permit persons to
-whom the Font Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright and trademark notices and this permission notice
-shall be included in all copies of one or more of the Font Software.
-The Font Software may not be modified, altered, or added to, and
-in particular the designs of glyphs or characters in the Fonts may
-not be modified nor may additional glyphs or characters be added
-to the Fonts. This License becomes null and void when the Fonts or
-Font Software have been modified.
-Except as contained in this notice, the names of Bigelow & Holmes
-Inc. and URW++ GmbH. shall not be used in advertising or otherwise
-to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Font Software
-without prior written authorization from Bigelow & Holmes Inc. and
-URW++ GmbH.  For further information, contact:
-info at urwpp.de or design at bigelowandholmes.com
diff --git a/terps/nitfol/z_io.c.orig b/terps/nitfol/z_io.c.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 631e7f0..0000000
--- a/terps/nitfol/z_io.c.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1099 +0,0 @@
-/*  Nitfol - z-machine interpreter using Glk for output.
-    Copyright (C) 1999  Evin Robertson
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
-    The author can be reached at nitfol at deja.com
-#include "nitfol.h"
-#define UPPER_WINDOW 1
-#define LOWER_WINDOW 0
-static zwinid lower_win, upper_win;
-static zwinid current_window;
-#define STREAM1 1
-#define STREAM2 2
-#define STREAM3 4
-#define STREAM4 8
-static strid_t stream2, stream4;
-static int output_stream;
-static zword stream3_table_starts[16];
-static zword stream3_table_locations[16];
-static int stream3_nesting_depth;
-static int  font = 1;
-static BOOL abort_output = FALSE; /* quickly stop outputting */
-BOOL is_transcripting(void)
-  return (output_stream & STREAM2) != 0;
-void set_transcript(strid_t stream)
-  if(stream) {
-    if(z_memory) {
-      zword flags2 = LOWORD(HD_FLAGS2) | b00000001;
-      LOWORDwrite(HD_FLAGS2, flags2);
-    }
-    stream2 = stream;
-    output_stream |= STREAM2;
-    if(lower_win)
-      z_set_transcript(lower_win, stream2);
-  } else {
-    if(z_memory) {
-      zword flags2 = LOWORD(HD_FLAGS2) & b11111110;
-      LOWORDwrite(HD_FLAGS2, flags2);
-    }
-    output_stream &= ~STREAM2;
-    if(lower_win)
-      z_set_transcript(lower_win, 0);
-  }
-/* initialize the windowing environment */
-void init_windows(BOOL dofixed, glui32 maxwidth, glui32 maxheight)
-  z_init_windows(dofixed, draw_upper_callback, upper_mouse_callback,
-		 maxwidth, maxheight, &upper_win, &lower_win);
-  current_window = lower_win;
-  output_stream = STREAM1 | (output_stream & STREAM2);
-  stream3_nesting_depth = 0;
-  font = 1;
-  if(output_stream & STREAM2) {
-    set_transcript(stream2);
-  } else {
-    set_transcript(0);
-  }
-  if(zversion == 6) {
-    v6_main_window_is(lower_win);
-  }
-static int upper_roomname_length;
-static void counting_glk_put_char(int ch)
-  upper_roomname_length++;
-  glk_put_char(ch);
-glui32 draw_upper_callback(winid_t win, glui32 width, glui32 height)
-  glui32 curx = 0, cury = 0;
-  glui32 numlines = 0;
-  if(win == NULL || height == 0) {
-    if(zversion <= 3)
-      numlines++;
-    return numlines;
-  }
-  if(zversion <= 3) {
-    zword location = get_var(16);
-    offset short_name_off = object_name(location);
-    glk_window_move_cursor(win, 0, cury);
-    if(location && short_name_off) {
-      glk_put_char(' '); curx++;
-      upper_roomname_length = 0;
-      decodezscii(short_name_off, counting_glk_put_char);
-      curx += upper_roomname_length;
-    }
-    glk_window_move_cursor(win, width - 8, cury);
-    if((zversion <= 2) || ((LOBYTE(HD_FLAGS1) & 2) == 0)) {
-      if(width > curx + 26) {
-	glk_window_move_cursor(win, width - 24, cury);
-	w_glk_put_string("Score: ");
-	g_print_znumber(get_var(17));
-	glk_window_move_cursor(win, width - 12, cury);
-	w_glk_put_string("Moves: ");
-	g_print_znumber(get_var(18));
-      } else {
-	g_print_znumber(get_var(17)); /* score */
-	glk_put_char('/');
-	g_print_znumber(get_var(18)); /* turns */
-      }
-    } else {
-      const char *ampmstr[8] = { " AM", " PM" };
-      int ampm = 0;
-      zword hours = get_var(17);
-      zword minutes = get_var(18);
-      while(hours >= 12) {
-	hours-=12;
-	ampm ^= 1;
-      }
-      if(hours == 0)
-	hours = 12;
-      if(hours < 10)
-	glk_put_char(' ');
-      g_print_number(hours);
-      glk_put_char(':');
-      if(minutes < 10)
-	glk_put_char('0');
-      g_print_number(minutes);
-      w_glk_put_string(ampmstr[ampm]);
-    }
-    numlines++;
-    cury++;
-    glk_window_move_cursor(win, 0, cury);
-  }
-  return numlines;
-void output_string(const char *s)
-  while(*s)
-    output_char(*s++);
-void output_char(int c)
-  static int starlength = 0;
-  if(output_stream & STREAM3) {  /* Table output */
-    zword num_chars = LOWORD(stream3_table_starts[stream3_nesting_depth-1]) +1;
-    if((c < 32 && c !=  13) || (c >= 127 && c <= 159) || (c > 255))
-      c = '?';     /* Section 7.5.3 */
-    LOBYTEwrite(stream3_table_locations[stream3_nesting_depth-1], c);
-    stream3_table_locations[stream3_nesting_depth-1] += 1;
-    LOWORDwrite(stream3_table_starts[stream3_nesting_depth-1], num_chars);
-  } else {
-    if(output_stream & STREAM1) {  /* Normal screen output */
-      if(c >= 155 && c <= 251) {  /* "extra characters" */
-	zword game_unicode_table = header_extension_read(3);
-	if(game_unicode_table && LOBYTE(game_unicode_table) >= (zbyte) (c - 155)) {
-	  zword address = game_unicode_table + 1 + (c - 155) * 2;
-	  c = LOWORD(address);
-	} else {
-	  const unsigned default_unicode_translation[] = {
-	    0xe4, 0xf6, 0xfc, 0xc4, 0xd6, 0xdc, 0xdf, 0xbb,
-	    0xab, 0xeb, 0xef, 0xff, 0xcb, 0xcf, 0xe1, 0xe9,
-	    0xed, 0xf3, 0xfa, 0xfd, 0xc1, 0xc9, 0xcd, 0xd3,
-	    0xda, 0xdd, 0xe0, 0xe8, 0xec, 0xf2, 0xf9, 0xc0,
-	    0xc8, 0xcc, 0xd2, 0xd9, 0xe2, 0xea, 0xee, 0xf4,
-	    0xfb, 0xc2, 0xca, 0xce, 0xd4, 0xdb, 0xe5, 0xc5,
-	    0xf8, 0xd8, 0xe3, 0xf1, 0xf5, 0xc3, 0xd1, 0xd5,
-	    0xe6, 0xc6, 0xe7, 0xc7, 0xfe, 0xf0, 0xde, 0xd0,
-	    0xa3, 0x153, 0x152, 0xa1, 0xbf
-	  };
-	  c = default_unicode_translation[c - 155];
-	}
-      }
-      if(c == '*') {
-	if(++starlength == 3) /* Three asterisks usually means win or death */
-	  if(automap_unexplore())
-	    abort_output = TRUE;
-      } else {
-	starlength = 0;
-      }
-      if(font == 3) {
-	const char font3trans[] =
-	  " <>/"    "\\ --"   "||||"  "--\\/"   /* 32-47 */
-	  "\\//\\/\\@ "   "   |"  "|-- "        /* 48-63 */
-	  "   /"    "\\/\\ "  "    "  "    "    /* 64-79 */
-	  "    "    "####"    "  X+"  "udb*"    /* 80-95 */
-	  "?abc"    "defg"    "hijk"  "lmno"    /* 96-111 */
-	  "pqrs"    "tuvw"    "xyzU"  "DB?";    /* 112-126 */
-	if(c >= 32 && c <= 126)
-	  c = font3trans[c - 32];
-      }
-      if(allow_output)
-	z_put_char(current_window, c);
-    }
-  }
-void n_print_number(unsigned n)
-  int i;
-  char buffer[12];
-  int length = n_to_decimal(buffer, n);
-  for(i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-    output_char(buffer[i]);
-void g_print_number(unsigned n)
-  int i;
-  char buffer[12];
-  int length = n_to_decimal(buffer, n);
-  for(i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-    glk_put_char(buffer[i]);
-void g_print_snumber(int n)
-  if(n < 0) {
-    glk_put_char('-');
-    n = -n;
-  }
-  g_print_number(n);
-void g_print_znumber(zword n)
-  if(is_neg(n)) {
-    glk_put_char('-');
-    g_print_number(neg(n));
-  } else {
-    g_print_number(n);
-  }
-void n_print_znumber(zword n)
-  if(is_neg(n)) {
-    output_char('-');
-    n_print_number(neg(n));
-  } else {
-    n_print_number(n);
-  }
-void stream4number(unsigned c)
-  if(output_stream & STREAM4) {
-    glk_stream_set_current(stream4);
-    glk_put_char('[');
-    g_print_number(c);
-    glk_put_char(']');
-    glk_put_char(10);
-  }
-void op_buffer_mode(void)
-  /* FIXME: Glk can't really do this.
-   * I could rely on the Plotkin Bug to do it, but that's ugly and would
-   * break 20 years from now when somebody fixes it.  I could also print
-   * spaces between each letter, which isn't the intended effect
-   *
-   * For now, do nothing.  Doubt this opcode is used often anyway...
-   */
-void op_check_unicode(void)
-  unsigned result = 0;
-  if(operand[0] <= 255 &&
-     (glk_gestalt(gestalt_CharOutput, (unsigned char) operand[0]) !=
-      gestalt_CharOutput_CannotPrint))
-    result |= 1;
-  if(operand[0] <= 255 &&
-     (glk_gestalt(gestalt_LineInput, (unsigned char) operand[0]) !=
-      FALSE))
-    result |= 2;
-  mop_store_result(result);
-void op_erase_line(void)
-  if(!allow_output)
-    return;
-  if(operand[0] == 1 && current_window == upper_win) {
-    z_erase_line(current_window);
-  }
-void op_erase_window(void)
-  if(!allow_output)
-    return;
-#ifdef DEBUG_IO
-  n_show_debug(E_OUTPUT, "erase_window", operand[0]);
-  return;
-  switch(operand[0]) {
-  case neg(1):
-    operand[0] = 0; op_split_window();
-    current_window = lower_win;
-  case neg(2):
-    z_clear_window(upper_win);
-    if(operand[0] == UPPER_WINDOW) break; /* Ok, this is evil, but it works. */
-    z_clear_window(lower_win);
-    break;
-  }
-void op_get_cursor(void)
-  zword x, y;
-  z_getxy(upper_win, &x, &y);
-  LOWORDwrite(operand[0], x);
-  LOWORDwrite(operand[0] + ZWORD_SIZE, y);
-void op_new_line(void)
-  output_char(13);
-void op_output_stream(void)
-  if(operand[0] == 0)
-    return;
-  if(is_neg(operand[0])) {
-    switch(neg(operand[0])) {
-    case 1:
-      if(!allow_output)
-	return;
-      output_stream &= ~STREAM1;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      if(!allow_output)
-	return;
-      set_transcript(0);
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      if(stream3_nesting_depth)
-	stream3_nesting_depth--;
-      else
-	n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "stream3 unnested too many times", 0);
-      if(!stream3_nesting_depth)
-	output_stream &= ~STREAM3;
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      if(!allow_output)
-	return;
-      glk_stream_close(stream4, NULL);
-      stream4 = 0;
-      output_stream &= ~STREAM4;
-      break;
-    default:
-      n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "unknown stream deselected", neg(operand[0]));
-    }
-  } else {
-    switch(operand[0]) {
-    case 1:
-      if(!allow_output)
-	return;
-      output_stream |= STREAM1;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      if(!allow_output)
-	return;
-      if(!stream2) {
-	stream2 = n_file_prompt(fileusage_Transcript | fileusage_TextMode,
-				filemode_WriteAppend);
-      }
-      if(stream2)
-	set_transcript(stream2);
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      if(stream3_nesting_depth >= 16) {
-	n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "nesting stream 3 too deeply",
-		   stream3_nesting_depth);
-	return;
-      }
-      LOWORDwrite(operand[1], 0);
-      stream3_table_starts[stream3_nesting_depth] = operand[1];
-      stream3_table_locations[stream3_nesting_depth] = operand[1] + 2;
-      output_stream |= STREAM3;
-      stream3_nesting_depth++;
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      if(!allow_output)
-	return;
-      stream4 = n_file_prompt(fileusage_InputRecord | fileusage_TextMode,
-			      filemode_WriteAppend);
-      if(stream4)
-	output_stream |= STREAM4;
-      break;
-    default:
-      n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "unknown stream selected", operand[0]);
-    }
-  }
-void op_print(void)
-  int length;
-  abort_output = FALSE;
-  length = decodezscii(PC, output_char);
-  if(!abort_output)
-    PC += length;
-void op_print_ret(void)
-  int length;
-  abort_output = FALSE;
-  length = decodezscii(PC, output_char);
-  if(abort_output)
-    return;
-  PC += length;
-  output_char(13);
-  if(abort_output)
-    return;
-  mop_func_return(1);
-void op_print_addr(void)
-  decodezscii(operand[0], output_char);
-void op_print_paddr(void)
-  getstring(operand[0]);
-void op_print_char(void)
-  if(operand[0] > 1023) {
-    n_show_error(E_INSTR, "attempt to print character > 1023", operand[0]);
-    return;
-  }
-  output_char(operand[0]);
-void op_print_num(void)
-  n_print_znumber(operand[0]);
-void op_print_table(void)
-  unsigned x, y;
-  zword text = operand[0];
-  zword width = operand[1];
-  zword height = operand[2];
-  zword skips = operand[3];
-  zword startx, starty;
-  unsigned win_width, win_height;
-  z_getxy(current_window, &startx, &starty);
-  z_getsize(current_window, &win_width, &win_height);
-  if(numoperands < 4)
-    skips = 0;
-  if(numoperands < 3)
-    height = 1;
-  if(current_window == upper_win) {
-    if(startx + width - 1 > win_width) {
-      int diff;
-      n_show_warn(E_OUTPUT, "table too wide; trimming", width);
-      diff = startx + width - 1 - win_width;
-      width -= diff;
-      skips += diff;
-    }
-    if(starty + height - 1 > win_height) {
-      n_show_warn(E_OUTPUT, "table too tall; trimming", height);
-      height = win_height - starty + 1;
-    }
-  }
-  for(y = 0; y < height; y++) {
-    if(current_window == upper_win && allow_output)
-      z_setxy(upper_win, startx, y+starty);
-    for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
-      output_char(LOBYTE(text));
-      text++;
-    }
-    text += skips;
-    if(current_window != upper_win && y+1 < height)
-      output_char(13);
-  }
-void op_set_colour(void)
-  if(!allow_output)
-    return;
-  z_set_color(current_window, operand[0], operand[1]);
-void op_set_cursor(void)
-  unsigned width, height;
-  zword x = operand[1];
-  zword y = operand[0];
-  if(!allow_output)
-    return;
-#ifdef DEBUG_IO
-  n_show_debug(E_OUTPUT, "set_cursor y=", operand[0]);
-  n_show_debug(E_OUTPUT, "set_cursor x=", operand[1]);
-  if(current_window != upper_win) {
-    return;
-  }
-  z_getsize(current_window, &width, &height);
-  if(y == 0 || y > height) {    /* section */
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "illegal line for set_cursor", y);
-    if(y == 0 || y > 512)
-      return;
-    z_set_height(upper_win, y); /* Resize to allow broken games to work */
-  }
-  if(x == 0 || x > width) {
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "illegal column for set_cursor", x);
-    return;
-  }
-  z_setxy(current_window, x, y);
-void op_set_text_style(void)
-  if(!allow_output)
-    return;
-  z_set_style(current_window, operand[0]);
-void op_set_window(void)
-  if(!allow_output)
-    return;
-#ifdef DEBUG_IO
-  n_show_debug(E_OUTPUT, "set_window", operand[0]);
-  return;
-  switch(operand[0]) {
-    current_window = upper_win;
-    z_setxy(upper_win, 1, 1);
-    break;
-    current_window = lower_win;
-    break;
-  default:
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "invalid window selected", operand[0]);
-  }
-void op_split_window(void)
-  if(!allow_output)
-    return;
-#ifdef DEBUG_IO
-  n_show_debug(E_OUTPUT, "split_window", operand[0]);
-  if(zversion == 6)
-    return;
-  if(operand[0] > 512) {
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "game is being ridiculous", operand[0]);
-    return;
-  }
-  if(zversion == 3)
-    z_set_height(upper_win, 0);  /* clear the whole upper window first */
-  z_set_height(upper_win, operand[0]);
-static BOOL timer_callback(zword routine)
-  zword dummylocals[16];
-  in_timer = TRUE;
-  mop_call(routine, 0, dummylocals, -2); /* add a special stack frame */
-  decode();                              /* start interpreting the routine */
-  in_timer = FALSE;
-  exit_decoder = FALSE;
-  return time_ret;
-BOOL upper_mouse_callback(BOOL is_char_event, winid_t win, glui32 x, glui32 y)
-  int i;
-  if(!(LOBYTE(HD_FLAGS2) & b00100000))
-    return FALSE;
-  header_extension_write(1, x + 1);
-  header_extension_write(2, y + 1);
-  stream4number(254);
-  stream4number(x + 1);
-  stream4number(y + 1);
-  if(is_char_event)
-    return TRUE;
-  for(i = z_terminators; LOBYTE(i) != 0; i++)
-    if(LOBYTE(i) == 255 || LOBYTE(i) == 254)
-      return TRUE;
-  /* @read will not receive mouse input inputs if they're not
-   * terminating characters, but I'm not sure how to reasonably do
-   * that and it shouldn't matter to most things */
-  return FALSE;
-typedef struct alias_entry alias_entry;
-struct alias_entry
-  alias_entry *next;
-  char *from;
-  char *to;
-  BOOL in_use, is_recursive;
-static alias_entry *alias_list = NULL;
-void parse_new_alias(const char *aliascommand, BOOL is_recursive)
-  char *from, *to;
-  char *stringcopy = n_strdup(aliascommand);
-  char *pcommand = stringcopy;
-  while(isspace(*pcommand))
-    pcommand++;
-  from = pcommand;
-  while(isgraph(*pcommand))
-    pcommand++;
-  if(*pcommand) {
-    *pcommand = 0;
-    pcommand++;
-  }
-  while(isspace(*pcommand))
-    pcommand++;
-  to = pcommand;
-  while(*to == ' ')
-    to++;
-  if(*to == 0) /* Expand blank aliases to a single space */
-    add_alias(from, " ", is_recursive);
-  else
-    add_alias(from, to, is_recursive);
-  free(stringcopy);
-void add_alias(const char *from, const char *to, BOOL is_recursive)
-  alias_entry newalias;
-  remove_alias(from);
-  newalias.next = NULL;
-  newalias.from = n_strdup(from);
-  newalias.to = n_strdup(to);
-  newalias.in_use = FALSE;
-  newalias.is_recursive = is_recursive;
-  LEadd(alias_list, newalias);
-BOOL remove_alias(const char *from)
-  alias_entry *p, *t;
-  while(*from == ' ')
-    from++;
-  LEsearchremove(alias_list, p, t, n_strcmp(p->from, from) == 0, (n_free(p->from), n_free(p->to)));
-  return t != NULL;
-static alias_entry *find_alias(const char *text, int length)
-  alias_entry *p;
-  LEsearch(alias_list, p, n_strmatch(p->from, text, length));
-  return p;
-int search_for_aliases(char *text, int length, int maxlen)
-  int word_start = 0;
-  int i;
-  if(!length)
-    return length;
-  for(i = 0; i <= length; i++) {
-    if(i == length || isspace(text[i]) || ispunct(text[i])) {
-      int word_length = i - word_start;
-      if(word_length) {
-	alias_entry *p = find_alias(text + word_start, word_length);
-	if(p && !(p->in_use)) {
-	  int newlen = strlen(p->to);
-	  if(length - word_length + newlen > maxlen)
-	    newlen = maxlen - length + word_length;
-	  n_memmove(text + word_start + newlen,
-		    text + word_start + word_length,
-		    maxlen - word_start - MAX(newlen, word_length));
-	  n_memcpy(text + word_start, p->to, newlen);
-	  if(p->is_recursive) {
-	    p->in_use = TRUE;
-	    newlen = search_for_aliases(text + word_start, newlen, maxlen - word_start);
-	    p->in_use = FALSE;
-	  }
-	  length += newlen - word_length;
-	  i = word_start + newlen;
-	}
-      }
-      word_start = i+1;
-    }
-  }
-  return length;
-int n_read(zword dest, unsigned maxlen, zword parse, unsigned initlen,
-           zword timer, zword routine, unsigned char *terminator)
-  unsigned length;
-  unsigned i;
-  char *buffer = (char *) n_malloc(maxlen + 1);
-  forget_corrections();
-  if(false_undo)
-    initlen = 0;
-  false_undo = FALSE;
-  if(maxlen < 3)
-    n_show_warn(E_OUTPUT, "small text buffer", maxlen);
-  if(dest > dynamic_size || dest < 64) {
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "input buffer in invalid location", dest);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if(dest + maxlen > dynamic_size) {
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "input buffer exceeds dynamic memory", dest + maxlen);
-    maxlen = dynamic_size - dest;
-  }
-  if(parse >= dest && dest + maxlen > parse) {
-    n_show_warn(E_OUTPUT, "input buffer overlaps parse", dest + maxlen - parse);
-    maxlen = parse - dest;
-  }
-  for(i = 0; i < maxlen; i++)
-    buffer[i] = LOBYTE(dest + i);
-  length = z_read(current_window, buffer, maxlen, initlen, timer, timer_callback, routine, terminator);
-  if(read_abort) {
-    n_free(buffer);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  length = search_for_aliases(buffer, length, maxlen);
-  for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-    buffer[i] = glk_char_to_lower(buffer[i]);
-    LOBYTEwrite(dest + i, buffer[i]);
-  }
-  if(parse)
-    z_tokenise(buffer, length, parse, z_dictionary, TRUE);
-  n_free(buffer);
-  return length;
-void stream4line(const char *buffer, int length, char terminator)
-  if(output_stream & STREAM4) {
-    w_glk_put_buffer_stream(stream4, buffer, length);
-    if(terminator != 10)
-      stream4number(terminator);
-    glk_put_char_stream(stream4, 10);
-  }
-void op_sread(void)
-  unsigned maxlen, length;
-  unsigned char term;
-  zword text = operand[0];
-  maxlen = LOBYTE(text) - 1;
-  if(numoperands < 3)
-    operand[2] = 0;
-  if(numoperands < 4)
-    operand[3] = 0;
-  length = n_read(text + 1, maxlen, operand[1], 0,
-		  operand[2], operand[3], &term);
-  if(!read_abort) {
-    LOBYTEwrite(text + 1 + length, 0);  /* zero terminator */
-    if(allow_saveundo) {
-      if(!has_done_save_undo && auto_save_undo)
-        saveundo(FALSE);
-      has_done_save_undo = FALSE;
-    }
-  }
-void op_aread(void)
-  int maxlen, length, initlen;
-  unsigned char term;
-  zword text = operand[0];
-  maxlen = LOBYTE(text);
-  initlen = LOBYTE(text + 1);
-  if(numoperands < 3)
-    operand[2] = 0;
-  if(numoperands < 4)
-    operand[3] = 0;
-  length = n_read(text + 2, maxlen, operand[1], initlen,
-		operand[2], operand[3], &term);
-  if(!read_abort) {
-    LOBYTEwrite(text + 1, length);
-    mop_store_result(term);
-    if(allow_saveundo) {
-      if(!has_done_save_undo && auto_save_undo)
-        saveundo(FALSE);
-      has_done_save_undo = FALSE;
-    }
-  }
-void op_read_char(void)
-  zword validch = 0;
-  if(in_timer) {
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "input attempted during time routine", 0);
-    mop_store_result(0);
-    return;
-  }
-  if(operand[0] != 1) {
-    n_show_warn(E_OUTPUT, "read_char with non-one first operand", operand[0]);
-    mop_store_result(0);
-    return;
-  }
-  if(numoperands < 2)
-    operand[1] = 0;
-  if(numoperands < 3)
-    operand[2] = 0;
-  validch = z_read_char(current_window, operand[1], timer_callback, operand[2]);
-  if(read_abort)
-    return;
-  mop_store_result(validch);
-  /*
-  if(!has_done_save_undo && auto_save_undo_char) {
-    saveundo(FALSE);
-    has_done_save_undo = FALSE;
-  }
-  */
-  stream4number(validch);
-void op_show_status(void)
-  if(!in_timer)
-    z_flush_fixed(upper_win);
-/* Returns a character, or returns 0 if it found a number, which it stores
-   in *num */
-unsigned char transcript_getchar(unsigned *num)
-  glsi32 c;
-  *num = 0;
-  if(!input_stream1)
-    return 0;
-  c = glk_get_char_stream(input_stream1);
-  if(c == GLK_EOF) {
-      glk_stream_close(input_stream1, NULL);
-      input_stream1 = 0;
-      return 0;
-  }
-  if(c == '[') {
-    while((c = glk_get_char_stream(input_stream1)) != GLK_EOF) {
-      if(c == ']')
-	break;
-      if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
-	*num = (*num * 10) + (c - '0');
-      }
-    }
-    c = glk_get_char_stream(input_stream1);
-    if(c != 10)
-      n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "input script not understood", c);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  return c;
-/* Returns line terminator.  Writes up to *len bytes to dest, writing in the
-   actual number of characters read in *len. */
-unsigned char transcript_getline(char *dest, glui32 *length)
-  unsigned char term = 10;
-  unsigned char c;
-  unsigned num;
-  glui32 len;
-  if(!input_stream1) {
-    *length = 0;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  for(len = 0; len < *length; len++) {
-    c = transcript_getchar(&num);
-    if(!c) {
-      term = num;
-      break;
-    }
-    if(c == 10)
-      break;
-    dest[len] = c;
-  }
-  *length = len;
-  return term;
-void op_input_stream(void)
-  /* *FIXME*: 10.2.4 says we shouldn't wait for [MORE]. Glk won't allow this */
-  if(input_stream1)
-    glk_stream_close(input_stream1, NULL);
-  input_stream1 = 0;
-  switch(operand[0]) {
-  case 0:
-    break;
-  case 1:
-    input_stream1 = n_file_prompt(fileusage_InputRecord | fileusage_TextMode,
-				  filemode_Read);
-    break;
-  default:
-    n_show_error(E_OUTPUT, "unknown input stream selected", operand[0]);
-  }
-void op_set_font(void)
-  int lastfont;
-  if(!allow_output) {
-    mop_store_result(0);
-    return;
-  }
-  lastfont = font;
-#ifdef DEBUG_IO
-  n_show_debug(E_OUTPUT, "set_font", operand[0]);
-  return;
-  switch(operand[0]) {
-  case 1: font = 1; break;
-  case 4: font = 4; break;
-  case 3: if(enablefont3) font = 3;
-  default: mop_store_result(0); return;
-  }
-  set_fixed(font == 4);
-  mop_store_result(lastfont);
-void op_print_unicode(void)
-  output_char(operand[0]);

Packaging for Gargoyle, IF player

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