[SCM] Packaging for freedink annotated tag, debian/1.08.20100321-1, updated. debian/1.08.20100321-1

Sylvain Beucler beuc at beuc.net
Tue Apr 13 16:13:44 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, debian/1.08.20100321-1 has been updated
        to  42dc7e9f9f55e71a8130d5ee676c7fdc629b4109 (tag)
      from  24d8e03fd2828185a89dc3632a8fe29925d1ffc7 (which is now obsolete)
   tagging  4d6983de216a23c700b3555be89e38cf70959d74 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.08.20100321
 tagged by  Sylvain Beucler
        on  Tue Apr 13 18:01:22 2010 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.08.20100321-1

Ansgar Burchardt (2):
      set Maintainer to DGT, move Sylvain to Uploaders, update Vcs-* fields
      remove comments from debian/rules, debian/watch

Gonéri Le Bouder (12):
      Remove the example header
      Merge the previous unreleased entry
      fix the watch file
      use http instead of ftp
      use a DFSG tarball
      mangle the dfsg from the version
      add FFS in copyright in the holders list
      clarify the copyright of the embedded gnulib
      describe some files covered by the ZLIB license
      remove the previous license files
      complet the changelog for 1.08.20090120-1
      use debian ttf-liberation and update copyright

Sylvain Beucler (15):
      Imported Debian patch 1.08.20080828-1
      Merge commit 'upstream/1.08.20080920'
      Imported new release
      Sync upstream debian/
      Clarify licensing
      Merge commit 'upstream/1.08.20090120'
      New upstream release - add libffi-dev in Build-Depends
      Merge commit 'upstream/1.08.20090918'
      New upstream release - v1.08.20090918
      - Replace config.sub/config.guess in 'configure' rather than 'clean'
      Revert change to upstream sources (config.sub/config.guess update)
      Clarify changelog and add gpb.conf (git-buildpackage conf)
      Merge commit 'upstream/1.08.20100321'
      New upstream release - v1.08.20100321
      Add acsite.m4 which is necessary to autoreconf and was missing for tarball; note that the packaging does not autoreconf, but my sponsor asked for it ;)


Packaging for freedink

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