[SCM] Packaging of the Nexuiz game data branch, master, updated. debian/2.5.2-1-17-g9a6db50

Bruno Kleinert fuddl at tauware.de
Wed Jun 1 12:02:24 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ef3d13c0382e2abddd50f31627dd94c5c498e171
Author: Bruno Kleinert <fuddl at tauware.de>
Date:   Tue May 31 17:02:27 2011 +0200

    Restore modified in-tree files in clean target
    data/Makefile calls a script that changes a bunch on files in data/.
    This happen *after* the quilt patches are applied, so we have to restore
    this files *before* the quilt patches are pop'ed. Otherwise quilt would

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index cb8799d..b3a09ae 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -5,21 +5,42 @@
 	dh $@
-	# Builds QuakeC and the uge data.zip archive. In case of emergency, i.e.
-	# if Nexuiz complains about wrong cvar checksums also call the
-	# update-cvarcount target, but be careful: It will modify in-tree files!
-	make -C data pk3here
-	mkdir -p tmp/sound
-	cp -r data/sound/cdtracks tmp/sound
-	cd tmp && 7za a -tzip -mx=0 music.pk3 sound
-	# Same thing for the textures
-	cd data && 7za a -tzip -mx=9 textures.pk3 textures
+	# Builds QuakeC and the huge data.zip archive.
+	# data/Makefile will update the cvar checksums in a bunch of in-tree
+	# files, so we have to back them up BEFORE calling data/Makefile. We
+	# have to restore them before all quilt patches get pop'ed, otherwise
+	# quilt would fail.
+	mkdir -p debian/backup
+	cp	data/Makefile \
+		data/balance.cfg \
+		data/balance25.cfg \
+		data/balanceHavoc.cfg \
+		data/balanceSamual.cfg \
+		data/defaultNexuiz.cfg \
+		data/qcsrc/server/constants.qh debian/backup
+	#make -C data pk3here
+	#mkdir -p tmp/sound
+	#cp -r data/sound/cdtracks tmp/sound
+	#cd tmp && 7za a -tzip -mx=0 music.pk3 sound
+	## Same thing for the textures
+	#cd data && 7za a -tzip -mx=9 textures.pk3 textures
-	$(MAKE) -C data clean
+	#$(MAKE) -C data clean
 	rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
 	rm -rf debian/tmp tmp
 	rm -f data/data.pk3 \
 	rm -f data/qcsrc/menu/fteqcc.log data/qcsrc/server/fteqcc.log \
+	# Restore modified in-tree files (see above)
+	[ ! -e debian/backup ] || \
+		mv	debian/backup/Makefile \
+			debian/backup/balance.cfg \
+			debian/backup/balance25.cfg \
+			debian/backup/balanceHavoc.cfg \
+			debian/backup/balanceSamual.cfg \
+			debian/backup/defaultNexuiz.cfg data/
+	[ ! -e debian/backup ] || \
+		mv	debian/backup/constants.qh data/qcsrc/server/
+	rm -rf debian/backup

Packaging of the Nexuiz game data

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