[SCM] xboxdrv packaging annotated tag, debian/0.8.2-1, created. debian/0.8.2-1

Andrey Rahmatullin wrar at wrar.name
Fri Feb 3 16:26:17 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/0.8.2-1 has been created
        at  fc5aa5423cb485f502d430286b7bb50776059b83 (tag)
   tagging  1850f3225c0a06e31c15cf24fe0f3e64dee10386 (commit)
  replaces  v0.8.2
 tagged by  Andrey Rahmatullin
        on  Fri Feb 3 21:47:32 2012 +0600

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.8.2-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Andrey Rahmatullin (19):
      Import upstream 0.6.4-2 debian/ directory.
      Initial packaging.
      Change Architecture to linux-any.
      Update debian/copyright for 0.7.2.
      Merge tag 'v0.8.0' into HEAD
      Add a manpage for xboxdrvctl.
      Packaging for 0.8.0.
      releasing version 0.8.0-1
      Move to pkg-games.
      Fix xboxdrv.1 errors reported by lintian.
      Mention the Maintainer change in the changelog.
      Merge tag 'v0.8.1' into upstream
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Update fix-xboxdrv-manpage.patch for 0.8.1.
      Update debian/changelog for 0.8.1.
      More verbose changelog.
      Merge tag 'v0.8.2' into upstream
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Update debian/changelog for 0.8.2.

David Beckwith (24):
      Added mimic-xpad-wireless for config files
      Added device id for "Tron Xbox 360 controller" 0x1bad:0xf903
      Fixed missing comma
      Fixed axis-shift getting ignored when another button is pressed
      Added GenericUSBController, can be used with any USB device, but so far only does debug output, no input events
      Implemented CycleKeyButtonEvent, allows to send different event on each button press
      Moved CycleKeySequence into separate class instead of having it bundled with CycleKeyButtonEvent, removed CycleKeyRefButtonEvent, stuck issues when multiple buttons are pressed is still present
      Moved CycleKeySequence into separate class instead of having it bundled with CycleKeyButtonEvent, removed CycleKeyRefButtonEvent, stuck issues when multiple buttons are pressed is still present
      Added an example for cyclekey
      Reenabled realtime priority scheduling
      TODO and VERSION updates
      Added Street Fighter IV fight pad, thanks to Tony Faoro <tmf at adtaq.com>
      Don't build test by default only when 'tests' target is specified
      TODO updates
      Added UIEventSequence::send_reverse()
      Replaced plain UIEvent[] arrays with UIEventSequence, also send out events on release in reverse order
      TODO updates
      Added UIEventEmitter and use it instead of plain UInput::send()
      Some more work on UIEventEmitter, UIEventCollector still needs better merge strategies, EV_REL is now probably broken
      Split UIEventCollector and UIEventEmitter into subclasses for EV_ABS, EV_REL and EV_KEY to allow more flexible merging
      Updated NEWS
      Use counting instead of OR'ing the buttons together in UIKeyEventCollector this should preserve the order of events
      Switched UIAbsEventCollector and UIRelEventCollector also to instant-send


xboxdrv packaging

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