[SCM] Packaging for scorched3d branch, master, updated. debian/43.2a.dfsg-6-13-gc06df20

Stephen M. Webb stephen.webb at bregmasoft.ca
Wed Feb 8 23:13:12 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 836733bb72df683c7c7206044ef3893c173da9b2
Author: Stephen M. Webb <stephen.webb at bregmasoft.ca>
Date:   Wed Feb 8 12:53:51 2012 -0500

    added myself as an uploader

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 686084a..4c7005f 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 scorched3d (43.3+dfsg-1) precise; urgency=low
   * new upstream release
+  * added myself as an uploader
- -- Stephen M. Webb <stephen.webb at bregmasoft.ca>  Wed, 08 Feb 2012 12:52:28 -0500
+ -- Stephen M. Webb <stephen.webb at bregmasoft.ca>  Wed, 08 Feb 2012 12:53:36 -0500
 scorched3d (43.2a.dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=low
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 10ab599..b5c5ee8 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -3,28 +3,29 @@ Section: games
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>,
-	   Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert <fuddl at debian.org>,
-           Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri at rulezlan.org>
-Build-Depends: binutils,
-	       automake,
-	       autoconf,
-	       debhelper (>= 8),
-	       gawk,
-	       libsdl1.2-dev,
-	       libsdl-net1.2-dev,
-	       libopenal-dev,
-	       libalut-dev,
-	       libfreetype6-dev,
-	       libwxgtk2.8-dev,
-	       libgl1-mesa-dev,
-	       libglu1-mesa-dev,
-	       libogg-dev,
-	       libvorbis-dev,
-	       libfftw3-dev,
-	       libpng12-dev,
-	       libjpeg-dev,
-		   libexpat1-dev,
-		   pkg-config
+           Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert <fuddl at debian.org>,
+           Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri at rulezlan.org>,
+           Stephen M. Webb <stephen.webb at bregmasoft.ca>
+Build-Depends: autoconf,
+               automake,
+               binutils,
+               debhelper (>= 8),
+               gawk,
+               libalut-dev,
+               libexpat1-dev,
+               libfftw3-dev,
+               libfreetype6-dev,
+               libgl1-mesa-dev,
+               libglu1-mesa-dev,
+               libjpeg-dev,
+               libogg-dev,
+               libopenal-dev,
+               libpng12-dev,
+               libsdl-net1.2-dev,
+               libsdl1.2-dev,
+               libvorbis-dev,
+               libwxgtk2.8-dev,
+               pkg-config
 Build-Conflicts: nvidia-glx
 Standards-Version: 3.9.2
 Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/scorched3d.git
@@ -34,21 +35,22 @@ Homepage: http://scorched3d.sourceforge.net/
 Package: scorched3d
 Architecture: any
 Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6)
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends},
-	 scorched3d-data (= ${source:Version})
+Depends: scorched3d-data (= ${source:Version}),
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: 3D artillery game similar to Scorched Earth
- Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth 
- "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features 
+ Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
+ "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features
  a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play.
 Package: scorched3d-dbg
 Architecture: any
 Priority: extra
 Section: debug
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, scorched3d (= ${binary:Version})
+Depends: scorched3d (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: 3D artillery game similar to Scorched Earth, debug data
- Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth 
- "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features 
+ Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
+ "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features
  a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play.
  This package contains debug information for the scorched3d
@@ -59,10 +61,10 @@ Description: 3D artillery game similar to Scorched Earth, debug data
 Package: scorched3d-data
 Architecture: all
 Suggests: scorched3d
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ttf-dejavu-core
+Depends: ttf-dejavu-core, ${misc:Depends}
 Description: data files for Scorched3D game
- Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth 
- "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features 
+ Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
+ "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features
  a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play.
  This package contains data files for the game Scorched3D.

Packaging for scorched3d

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