r13256 - packages/trunk/rott/debian/patches

Fabian Greffrath fabian-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Feb 15 12:25:43 UTC 2012

Author: fabian-guest
Date: 2012-02-15 12:25:43 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 13256

Fix format string vulnerabilities.

Added: packages/trunk/rott/debian/patches/format-security.patch
--- packages/trunk/rott/debian/patches/format-security.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/trunk/rott/debian/patches/format-security.patch	2012-02-15 12:25:43 UTC (rev 13256)
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+--- rott.orig/rott/rt_build.c
++++ rott/rott/rt_build.c
+@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ void PositionMenuBuf( int angle, int dis
+    DrawPlanePosts();
+    oldfont=CurrentFont;
+    CurrentFont = (font_t *)W_CacheLumpName ("newfnt1", PU_CACHE, Cvt_font_t, 1);
+-   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, titlestring);
++   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", titlestring);
+    US_ClippedPrint ((320-width)>>1, MENUTITLEY-titleyoffset, titlestring);
+    CurrentFont=oldfont;
+    FlipPage();
+--- rott.orig/rott/rt_draw.c
++++ rott/rott/rt_draw.c
+@@ -4464,7 +4464,7 @@ fadeworld:
+       if (i>3)
+          I_Delay(50);
+-      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &(EndCinematicText[i][0]));
++      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &(EndCinematicText[i][0]));
+       if (LastScan !=0)
+          break;
+@@ -4555,11 +4555,11 @@ finalfade:
+    if (LastScan == 0)
+       {
+-      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, NextGameString1);
++      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", NextGameString1);
+       x=(320-width)>>1;
+       y=(200-height)>>1;
+       US_ClippedPrint (x,y-6, NextGameString1);
+-      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, NextGameString2);
++      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", NextGameString2);
+       x=(320-width)>>1;
+       y=(200-height)>>1;
+       US_ClippedPrint (x,y+6, NextGameString2);
+@@ -4912,7 +4912,7 @@ void ScrollString ( int cy, char * strin
+    int time1,time2;
+    LastScan=0;
+-   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, string);
++   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", string);
+    x=(320-width)>>1;
+    y=cy-(height>>1);
+@@ -5578,7 +5578,7 @@ void DoInBetweenCinematic (int yoffset,
+    DrawNormalSprite(0,yoffset,lump);
+    CurrentFont=smallfont;
+-   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, string);
++   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", string);
+    x=(320-width)>>1;
+    y=190-height;
+    US_ClippedPrint (x, y, string);
+@@ -5674,7 +5674,7 @@ void DrawPreviousCredits ( int num, Cred
+          CurrentFont=smallfont;
+       else
+          CurrentFont=tinyfont;
+-      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &(Credits[i].text[0]));
++      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &(Credits[i].text[0]));
+       x=(320-width)>>1;
+       y=Credits[i].endy;
+       US_ClippedPrint (x, y+4, &Credits[i].text[0]);
+@@ -5706,7 +5706,7 @@ void WarpCreditString ( int time, byte *
+       CurrentFont=smallfont;
+    else
+       CurrentFont=tinyfont;
+-   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &(Credits[num].text[0]));
++   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &(Credits[num].text[0]));
+    x=(320-width)>>1;
+    y=Credits[num].endy;
+--- rott.orig/rott/rt_game.c
++++ rott/rott/rt_game.c
+@@ -1033,12 +1033,12 @@ void DrawPlayers
+                // Shorten name to fit into point count
+                length = strlen( codename );
+-               US_MeasureStr( &width, &height, codename );
++               US_MeasureStr( &width, &height, "%s", codename );
+                while( width > KILLS_WIDTH )
+                   {
+                   codename[ length ] = 0;
+                   length--;
+-                  US_MeasureStr( &width, &height, codename );
++                  US_MeasureStr( &width, &height, "%s", codename );
+                   }
+                // Draw name
+--- rott.orig/rott/rt_main.c
++++ rott/rott/rt_main.c
+@@ -876,13 +876,13 @@ void SetupWads( void )
+ 					if (access (tempstr, 0) != 0) { //try open again
+ 						//stil no useful filename
+ 						strcat (tempstr," not found, skipping RTL file ");
+-						printf(tempstr);
++						printf("%s", tempstr);
+ 						goto NoRTL;
+ 					}
+ 			   }
+ 			   if((f = fopen( tempstr, "r" )) == NULL ){ //try opnong file
+ 					strcat (tempstr," not could not be opened, skipping RTL file ");
+-					printf(tempstr);
++					printf("%s", tempstr);
+ 					goto NoRTL;
+ 			   }else{
+ 					fread(buf,3,3,f);//is the 3 first letters RTL (RTC)
+@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ void SetupWads( void )
+ 						GameLevels.avail++;
+ 						strcpy (buf,"Adding ");
+ 						strcat (buf,tempstr);
+-						printf(buf);
++						printf("%s", buf);
+ 					}
+ 					fclose(f);
+ 			   }
+@@ -912,13 +912,13 @@ NoRTL:;
+ 					if (access (tempstr, 0) != 0) { //try open again
+ 						//stil no useful filename
+ 						strcat (tempstr," not found, skipping RTC file ");
+-						printf(tempstr);
++						printf("%s", tempstr);
+ 						goto NoRTL;
+ 					}
+ 			   }
+ 			   if((f = fopen( tempstr, "r" )) == NULL ){ //try opening file
+ 					strcat (tempstr," not could not be opened, skipping RTC file ");
+-					printf(tempstr);
++					printf("%s", tempstr);
+ 					goto NoRTL;
+ 			   }else{
+ 					fread(buf,3,3,f);//is the 3 first letters RTL (RTC)
+@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ NoRTL:;
+ 						BattleLevels.avail++;
+ 						strcpy (buf,"Adding ");
+ 						strcat (buf,tempstr);
+-						printf(buf);
++						printf("%s", buf);
+ 					}
+ 					fclose(f);
+ 			   }
+@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ void GameLoop (void)
+ //                     break;
+                   }
+                CurrentFont=smallfont;
+-               US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, str);
++               US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", str);
+                US_ClippedPrint ((320-width)>>1, 180, str);
+                VW_UpdateScreen();
+                MenuFadeIn();
+--- rott.orig/rott/rt_map.c
++++ rott/rott/rt_map.c
+@@ -782,14 +782,14 @@ void DrawMapInfo ( void )
+    PrintX = 2;
+    PrintY = 2;
+    strcpy (&temp[0], &(LevelName[0]));
+-   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &temp[0]);
++   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &temp[0]);
+    VWB_TBar (0, 0, 320, height+4);
+    US_BufPrint (&temp[0]);
+    strcpy (&temp[0], "TAB=EXIT");
+-   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &temp[0]);
++   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &temp[0]);
+    PrintX = 316-width;
+    PrintY = 2;
+@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ void DrawMapInfo ( void )
+    US_BufPrint (&temp[0]);
+    strcpy (&temp[0], "< > CHANGE BACKGROUND COLOR");
+-   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &temp[0]);
++   US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &temp[0]);
+    PrintX = (320-width)>>1;
+    PrintY = 2;
+--- rott.orig/rott/rt_str.c
++++ rott/rott/rt_str.c
+@@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@ int myprintf
+    char    *ptr;
+    if (MONOPRESENT==false)
+       {
+-      Debug(fmt);
++      Debug("%s", fmt);
+       return 0;
+       }
+    va_start( argptr, fmt );
+--- rott.orig/rott/rt_ted.c
++++ rott/rott/rt_ted.c
+@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ void DrawPreCache( void )
+       else
+ 			memcpy (&buf[0], "COMM-BAT", 8);
+-      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &buf[0]);
++      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &buf[0]);
+       VWB_TBar (PrintX-2, PrintY-2, width+4, height+4);
+       US_BufPrint (&buf[0]);
+@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ void DrawPreCache( void )
+          {
+          itoa( gamestate.mapon + 1, &buf[ 5 ], 10 );
+          }
+-      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &buf[0]);
++      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &buf[0]);
+       PrintX = (300-width);
+       VWB_TBar (PrintX-2, PrintY-2, width+4, height+4);
+       US_BufPrint (&buf[0]);
+@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ void DrawPreCache( void )
+       else
+          strcpy (temp, &(LevelName[0]));
+-      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &temp[0]);
++      US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &temp[0]);
+       PrintX = (320-width) >> 1;
+@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ DisableScreenStretch();
+          CurrentFont = newfont1;//smallfont;
+          strcpy( buf, "Press Any Key" );
+-         US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, &buf[ 0 ] );
++         US_MeasureStr (&width, &height, "%s", &buf[ 0 ] );
+          PrintX = (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH-(width)) / 2;
+          PrintY = WHratio*iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT;//162;
+          //VWB_TBar (PrintX-2, PrintY-2, width+4, height+4);
+--- rott.orig/rott/w_wad.c
++++ rott/rott/w_wad.c
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void W_AddFile (char *_filename)
+ 			strcpy (buf,"Error, Could not find User file '");
+ 			strcat (buf,filename);
+ 			strcat (buf,"', ignoring file");
+-			printf(buf);
++			printf("%s", buf);
+ 		}
+ 		//bna section end

Modified: packages/trunk/rott/debian/patches/series
--- packages/trunk/rott/debian/patches/series	2012-02-15 12:02:33 UTC (rev 13255)
+++ packages/trunk/rott/debian/patches/series	2012-02-15 12:25:43 UTC (rev 13256)
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@

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