[SCM] Packaging for Gargoyle - graphical player for Interactive Fiction games annotated tag, upstream/2011.1, created. upstream/2011.1

Sylvain Beucler beuc at beuc.net
Mon Feb 20 16:07:23 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, upstream/2011.1 has been created
        at  71edc6ca7ff4eda3fd4e472b03c4848cae7b1578 (tag)
   tagging  269857a5458a63d0d55ecc48357ac456e51ae751 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2010.1
 tagged by  Sylvain Beucler
        on  Sun Feb 19 12:37:48 2012 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2011.1

Sylvain Beucler (1):
      Imported Upstream version 2011.1


Packaging for Gargoyle - graphical player for Interactive Fiction games

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